Facilities and Infrastructure Committee

The Tompkins County Facilities and Infrastructure committee meets regularly to consider policy and make legislative recommendations to the Tompkins County Legislature. The committee considers public works, the airport, utilities, and roads and bridges. A full list of responsibilities of the committee can be found below.

Meeting agendas can be found here: http://tompkinscountyny.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx
If you would like to submit a public comment please do so here: https://tompkinscountyny.gov/legislature/publiccomment

Facilities and Infrastructure – Lane (Chair), Brown (Vice Chair), Shurtleff, Dawson, Mezey

Bridges and Highways
Center for History and Culture
Facilities Department
Green Fleet/Facilities
MEGA (Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance)
Metropolitan Planning Organization/Ithaca Tompkins County Transportation Council
Weights and Measures


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