Faces of the Fleet Ep. 01: Citizen No T399836: Scott Lieng


Faces of the Fleet Ep. 01: Citizen No. T399836: Scott Lieng

Striving to make his life meaningful, this Sailor used his experience escaping a labor camp with his mother to give back to the country that has given his family so much.

*For a high-resolution download of this video, visit the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) at this link:* https://www.dvidshub.net/video/839582/ep-01-citizen-no-t399836-scott-lieng


13 thoughts on “Faces of the Fleet Ep. 01: Citizen No T399836: Scott Lieng”

  1. He is the very definition of an American. He recognizes America for what it is, the land of opportunity. Unlike so many who are born here and are blind to it. Those who would rather throw a pity party for themselves and cling to victimhood as the core tenant of their identity instead of WORKING HARD to make their dreams come true.

  2. Glad you escaped from the "communist" country. I wish you a happy life in the United States and work in the United States. Let the United States and you be proud of "democracy, freedom, and human rights" again. thanks.

  3. GERMAN ROYAL FAMILY: 30 years later and still waiting on San Diego, County. I Jehovah and President of Ukraine Volodymyr "Zellers" Zelenskyy and our 126 Royal Twin Brothers with help from Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department are still waiting on San Diego County to relocate our missing Kidnapped/Adopted Royal German Children home." ​―​ Jehovah the Sultan of Iraq Allahu Uruk Akbar of 1888 Royal Prussia (King Santa Claus)

  4. She is. IntternatttionalS$Ssss$ tt144,000mesealttt all all be Songs VideoS Bible Biblett(All do what you can with this God do his God partt WondersWorldS App(tt) ImageS Biblett$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$DNangeltt$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$tt for every religions Holy Holy book and posittive normal too ttS. Revelation14:1:5

  5. Don't let this get to you, all this heartwarming BS, this is NOT the current Navy. Here is the average day.

    0700 MUSTER: Sailor smuckalelli forgot his cover, someone "stole it" witch they probably did.

    0800 Berthing Cleaners: YOU have assigned 2 people that they have berthing today. they failed their inspection, hell they failed to show up. reinspect at 1500.

    0900 Training on the Mess Decks: Your now stuck for 30 mins on how to Don an EEBD that takes 10 seconds to put on.

    1000 Khaki failed to put out Contactors were coming onboard and are waiting in CCS/CSMC Provide a body or two.

    1100 Everyone wants to eat lunch. its Weds, its Gross. Our food is rejected from the federal prison system. Look it up.

    1200 Eating horrible food wanting to go home

    1300 Lunch is over, Sailor Jerry failed his spot check. Hard. I mean he didn't even ATTEMPT the maintenance. but he signed it, said it was done correctly 2 weeks ago. You don't even know Sailor Jerry very well. He has a Wife and 3 Kids, they all bank on his Income.

    1400 Chief said spaces look like shit, wants a complete walkthrough before anyone goes home. Wants updates to everything in AWN and OMMS-NG even though this clown has done literally NOTHING all morning.

    1500 You Failed Berthing, did you forget? I didn't. Provide 2 more bodies or do it yourself.

    1600 Everyone else is off. your sitting there contemplating life when it dawns on you.

    Navy life is pretty awful. No port visits. Our Certs we qual for are Useless in the civian cector. what are we doing?


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