Fabulous Concert Programs No. 13

No. 13 (Town and Country)

Ireland: A London Overture
D’Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air
Braga Santos: Symphonic Variations on a Popular Song from the Alentejo
Gershwin: An American in Paris


9 thoughts on “Fabulous Concert Programs No. 13”

  1. Other than An American in Paris I am unfamliar with these pieces, but they seem worth exploring. Always open to new adventures. Interesting that both Ireland and Gershwin were great songwriters: Ireland wrote a wonderful song based on a poem by John Masefield called The Vagabond performed beautifully by Bryn Terfel on his album of the same name. The poem itself is kind of cool:


    by John Masefield

    Dunno a heap about the what an' why,

    Can't say 's I ever knowed.

    Heaven to me 's a fair blue stretch of sky,

    Earth 's jest a dusty road.

    Dunno the names o' things, nor what they are,

    Can't say 's I ever will.

    Dunno about God—He 's jest the noddin' star

    Atop the windy hill.

    Dunno about Life—it 's jest a tramp alone

    From wakin'-time to doss.

    Dunno about Death—it 's jest a quiet stone

    All over-grey wi' moss.

    An' why I live, an' why the old world spins,

    Are things I never knowed;

    My mark 's the gypsy fires, the lonely inns,

    An' jest the dusty road.

  2. Now this is a concert I would buy a ticket to! I love travelogue pieces and music that strongly evokes a certain era.

    (If they did the uncut version of American in Paris, I'd even try to see if I could pay to watch the rehearsals).


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