Eye in the Sky, Death from Above: Ukrainian FPVs Exploiting a Deadly Flaw in Russian Tanks

Ukrainian FPVs Exploiting a Deadly Flaw in Russian Tanks???
The rumble of tanks once dominated the battlefield, a symbol of brute force and unwavering might. But in the crucible of the Ukrainian conflict, a new dance of war has emerged, one where nimble drones pirouette around lumbering giants, rewriting the rules of armored combat. This is the story of Ukraine’s audacious FPV gambit, a David-and-Goliath tale for the digital age where commercially available drones armed with readily accessible warheads are turning the tide against a superpower’s armored arsenal.

Forget the thunderous cannons and earth-shaking missiles of yore. Ukraine’s secret weapon is a fleet of First-Person View (FPV) drones, miniature quadcopters that offer a bird’s-eye view of the battlefield and pack a surprising punch. These agile insects of war exploit a critical chink in the armor of modern tanks like the T-72 – their automatic loading system. A well-placed strike on the ammunition carousel nestled in the rear of the turret can trigger a chain reaction, transforming the once-menacing behemoth into a fiery tomb.


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