Extremism in America: Out of the Shadows | Retro Report

According to experts who monitor the radical right, the white supremacist ideology that police say drove the Buffalo gunman has begun moving from the extremes into the mainstream. Subscribe to our newsletter for the history behind the headlines: https://bit.ly/RR-Newsletter

Extremism in America series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKB8zkQFlMyL4hsMCmiMoOuE576fCWsZ7

Extremist groups and individuals have become more public in the years since a violent rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and others clashed with counterdemonstrators, bringing hate out into the open. Members of extremist groups have joined protests against pandemic lockdowns and fighting openly with racial justice protesters. Members of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and other extremist groups were on the frontlines of the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and have been accused of planning it. Experts who monitor the radical right say extremist ideas have spread more openly in the year since the attack.

“Extremism in America” is a five-part documentary series on the rise of domestic terrorism in the U.S. The Biden administration has warned that domestic terrorism now poses the most significant threat to the country. But for decades, there have been clear signs that far-right extremist beliefs were spreading and that right-wing extremist groups were growing more dangerous. Presented by Exploring Hate and Retro Report. New Episodes Tuesdays April 19-May 17, 2022.

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Retro Report is an independent, nonprofit news organization that explores the history behind the headlines. Find out more at http://www.retroreport.org.

Exploring Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and Extremism is The WNET Group’s reporting initiative on the roots and rise of hate in America and across the globe. Leadership support for Exploring Hate is provided by the Sylvia A. and Simon B. Poyta Programming Endowment to Fight Antisemitism. To learn more about Exploring Hate and for a full list of funders, visit pbs.org/exploringhate.


18 thoughts on “Extremism in America: Out of the Shadows | Retro Report”

  1. It is kinda sad seeing "whites" being so agressive against other groups because we feel deprived in some way. With all the history behind us… Anyway, I have been thinking what makes some groups (say Jews, Albanians…) actually do better in most cases, which enrages the previously privileged. My opinion only, but the main difference between seems to be the ability to cooperate for the common good. Jews and Albanians (though just an example) have their extended families working together to help some achieve success, then those in turn help others and so on. Also, they are often prepared to work jobs others might hink of inferiour. But someone's gotta do those, too…
    Anyway, "the West" tends to be raised in the individualistic mentality. That mentality will eventually always lose against people who cooperate. But, instead of changing ourselves, we idiotically tend to hate the ones that cooperate.

  2. Summary: Looking for a reason for the uprisings in recent years. What they found, making policy decisions based solely on a persons race is bad or evil….
    Let that be the Litmus test for any policy or decision from our government… Umm yeah, now you see the issue. The left is pushing policies that benefit non-whites… If that continues, you will continue to feed uprisings….

  3. It's scary how common talking points like the "great replacement" have become. My mom doesn't buy into most white supremacist talking points yet even she has shared videos with me about how white/christian people are being replaced as the majority in America and how we should be scared and worried about that. It's almost scarier than the rest of my family's open racism.

  4. I feel like there is an order to these videos but they have no indication other than release date.

    The previous video is unlisted and only visible via the playlist. I didn't see it until after this one.

    I hope not to frustrate the uploader with my suggestions but I think having numbers in video titles would make the whole series easier to share ensuring folks watch them in preferred order.

    Just trying to help! Great content on an important issue.

  5. There are people hiding in the shadow the evil uncle who are true extremists terrorist and beyond evil veiled as good guys chosen by people yet are involved in acts of terrorism far greater than the most advertised middle eastern terrorist on record. They don't really belong in offi w or serving constituents they belong behind bars

  6. I will put a curse on these individuals that will turn their world's upside and I to correction. A spell so powerful the corrupt will not be able to excuse or save themselves from their crimes. A very magical spell in nature. This spell will turn every law enforcement agency on all levels military law against these politicians other officials who were chosen posts and are utterly corrupt involved in numerous felony crimes involving terrorism kick backs murder drug trafficking sex trafficking bio terrorism treason collusion with enemy states accepting payment from enemy nations election fraud interference this include those not in office yet actively involved in such acts this spell will have global effects on them as well to include the following individuals Bill Gates Mr.Kraus George Soros those intertwined in the sins along with them

  7. I will add another spell to every world leader elected person official systematic individuals in America who labeled me as extremist any thing like that will be treated the same I have been treated all at once life will become utterly impossible for these individuals

  8. Stop the greed. All renters need United as army and fighting for new nation Islamic Emirate states of America  with sharia laws or start robbing banks to survive in this racist greedy bankruptcy capitalism nation.

  9. The kkk was founded and run by democrats. History speaks for itself. The left were the ones opposing rights for minorities. Joe Biden praised a prominent kkk leader during his funeral. Please research this, there is a well funded propaganda campaign going on here. The media is brought and paid for. They are counting on the stupidity of people to believe their nonsense. I'm pretty sure this comment will be hidden by YouTube. The corruption is beyond belief


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