Exploring the Jungle Biome on Our Sky Island! – Minecraft One Block Skyblock | Episode 4

In this episode of One Block Skyblock we make our way through the Jungle Dungeon phase. We gather resources, fight vex, make friends with some parrots, and build a panda sanctuary!

Map Creator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLoQKuk65iE

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Minecraft version 1.16.4
Optifine 1.16.4


20 thoughts on “Exploring the Jungle Biome on Our Sky Island! – Minecraft One Block Skyblock | Episode 4”

  1. As always, it was a pleasure to see your new episode of the OneBlock series.

    I'm having so much fun watching and can't wait for the next episode.

    0:20 I remember I got some villagers (can't remember which phase – but for logic it must have been in Plains phase) then I builded this small and easy 5×5 iron farm – which works without zombie – with them. When I had two, I builded it an breeded them, because you need at least five villagers for it.


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