Exploring a Killer's ABANDONED House with EVERYTHING Left inside | Blood Stains Left

In today’s episode we take you on a tour of an abandoned farm house built in the 1840s. This small house along with its stables directly across the road was once home to a songwriter and author. Although of his great success he enjoyed living quietly in his little home. But around 2009 he decided to change lifestyles a bit moving him, his wife and one daughter to Los Angeles California so his daughter could pursue her dreams as a horse back rider. Now after the move the man’s nephew took over the property and what would happen next is straight out of a true crime story. While living in the house he went on a trip and when he arrived back he wanted to surprise his girlfriend who was still living at her parents home. But when he walked in and saw his girlfriend cheating on him he went crazy and stabbed her over 30 times and killed the man she was cheating with. Right after he drove back to the small home where he would later be arrested and sentenced to prison. And one thing we noticed inside the home was on the arm rest of the chair is what looks to be dried blood presumably there from when he got home after brutally stabbed his girlfriend. I think even though cheating on your partner is very bad I believe ending another life is even worse. So join me today and let’s see what’s left.

I am an Urban Explorer from Oklahoma just traveling around finding the coolest forgotten places! follow me on my journey around the world finding the best unknown forgotten places on earth! Merch coming soon 🔥

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49 thoughts on “Exploring a Killer's ABANDONED House with EVERYTHING Left inside | Blood Stains Left”

  1. I’m so disappointed in these guys. This whole story is made up, one big lie.
    This man was NOT murderer! No murder EVER took place here.
    John Brahney was a military veteran and is buried in Arlington Cemetery, he and wife both passed in 2011. Nothing sinister ever took place in this house and the weapon these guys “found” was planted there by them.
    I used to really enjoy watching you guys, but after giving a deceased military veteran this kind of backstory, I will not be supporting you any longer, sad, just sad 😢

  2. A murderer with no name? 2 murder victims with no name? It would help a lot if you give names and dates like they do on legit crime stories on ID channel Investigation Discovery. Without names, photos of the persons that are mentioned, dates, year, other info we're not gonna believe your story about this murder. If there was blood on that sofa it would have been analyzed already years ago by police and also removed and taken away as evidence. You find old houses and create a fictional murder. Please just stick to going in old homes and looking around no need to tell stories of occupants you know nothing about thanks merry christmas

  3. You should post the before and after since you already don’t wanna give us the address to do research because you feel like we all have the funds and time to go vandalize. My apologies in advance 🤣

  4. They built homes with low ceilings way back when to keep the heat lasting because heat rises. It was back when everyone had fire places etc for heat. Today we have high ceilings and it costs a fortune to heat them today.

  5. while I dont encourage murder at all people that walk into situations like this are accualy not prepared to deal with it, I feel sorry for all people involved, also I think that it is not right for you guys to just go into that property if it belongs to the dude who killed his girlfriend it is practically still belonging to him so you are breaking into someones house..


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