Expedition Zero – Occult Siberian Open World Survival

Expedition Zero Gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Expedition Zero and check out a game where you’ll pick up a mosin and wade your way through swaths of the undead and corrupted monsters to unravel a secret.

Download Expedition Zero : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1247570/Expedition_Zero/
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24 thoughts on “Expedition Zero – Occult Siberian Open World Survival”

  1. Hang on! Hang on! I'm still playing The Last Spell you recommended !

    On second thought keep it coming ! Most of the games you showcased are games I am interested in. Thanks!

  2. The audio is not bad. As always, if I want to hear it, I have to raise the volume so the whole house can hear your voice.

    …in a way, this reminds me of that strange survival game where you start off at a crashed plane with a permanent campfire in the back, and end up getting trounced by an evil spirit on a bridge. Wild 8? I wonder what happened to that.

    A mix of that and the more recent Chernobyl game. Didn't care much for that, but it'd be cool if they'd throw marauding Russians in as an update for awhile, just as a statement of the times.

  3. Russian location + open world survival. OF COURSE IT'S CHANNELLING STALKER!!!

    Stalker is pretty much The Benchmark against which all survival horror open-world survival games are measured.

  4. It looks nice and it has its moments like the first time you're in the complete dark of the forest and the zombies are just circling out of sight but that wears off pretty quick. Once the suspense is gone it's a terribly short game with little enemy variety and I found the inclusion of a crafting system somewhat strange for a game that basically everyone is getting through in under four hours.

  5. Wow this game looks insanely bad. If this was early access I'd get it but this is such a buggy, unfinished mess, to say nothing of the awful game design, storytelling and world building. Good lord.

    Remember when gamers didn't pay full price on a game just to be the dev's QA department?

  6. 7.62x54R The numbers are bullet diameter and case length, respectively, in millimeters and the R is 'rimmed' (as opposed to 'rimless'). The rim is for headspacing (depth the round is held in the chamber) and extraction.

    Rimless cartridges have a groove cut around the base for extraction. Headspacing is done against the case shoulder for bottlenecked cases or case mouth for straight-walled cases.

    Edit: 7.62x54R is slightly less powerful than 30-06, and the SKS round (7.62×39, same as the AK-47) is slightly more powerful than .223/5.56 NATO. The x54R is pretty punchy, but nothing major. The x39 was designed specifically to have mild recoil. Point being, Splat, if you think they're particularly heavy-hitters (especially the x39), you're kind of a puss.

  7. Idk if you played anymore of this, so I don't wanna spoil it, but there is definitely something scarier to worry about other than the zombies in this game. I was kinda hoping you would have gotten to see it or hear it before the video was over lol you got lucky.


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