Expansion in number of missiles acquired by govt the most ‘concrete’ result of DRS

An expansion in the acquisition of missiles and cutting the number of tanks, and perhaps frigates the government is acquiring, …


12 thoughts on “Expansion in number of missiles acquired by govt the most ‘concrete’ result of DRS”

  1. The planet's changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements.

  2. The dictatorships of Russia & China are forcing soverin Nations to beef up their military. I saw a video clip today of a ccp official stating that the Philippines is the soverin Nation of China. Crazy Stuff!
    Video clip attached below

  3. Morrison's greatest achievement was putting the most left-wing Labor government since Whitlam firmly in the US alliance. Knowing he faced certain defeat, he timed the election so Albanese would be on his way to Tokyo for a Quad meeting while still in the euphoria of the election win. The Quad partners gave him a grand welcome and Albo was bouncing around like Toto playing on the lawns of Kirribilli House. AUKUS was assured and Labor was all in on defence spending. Morrison knew the hard left Albo was instinctively anti American. But he also knew Albo was immature and would always seek to please the rich, famous and powerful. So it was vital to get Albo sitting at Biden's feet before anyone else got in his ear in particular Labor's China cheer squad.

  4. From what you have said we are choosing a one access defence method keeping every one off shore. If someone gets ashore then we would be literally defenceless. ie No tanks or artillery so use small arms to stop heavy equipment. That equals DEFENCELESS. This is stupidity amplified one line of defence then kiss your A*** goodbye.

  5. It's notable the first thing they have done is cut stuff. Everything else is exactly the same kind of promises every Australian government has made since Vietnam. As for climate change – a threat? Please! One of the biggest threats to Australian national security is its lack of fuel reserves and an associated refusal to exploit accessible fossil fuel sources to remedy this. That and the retarded addiction to renewable energy. Which do nothin that is claimed. But will achieve the precise opposite. (IE, less reliability, higher costs, shorter lifespans).
    A lot of froth. Not a lot of body.


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