Expanding the Fleet with Captured Cargo Ships | Airship: Kingdoms Adrift GAMEPLAY

The publishers of Airship: Kingdoms Adrift sent me a free key to try out their game.
The following is an account of Captain Zebulon Pike and his voyages.

What is it?
Airship: Kingdoms Adrift is a full sky faring battle and trading simulator set in a lore-rich world of Spheara, where you can:
– Unlock, build, battle, and upgrade 30+ uniquely designed airships.
– Meet 25+ playable NPC officers. Enlist, level up, build relationships with them and learn their stories.
– Fight 500+ uniquely designed encounters in the sky filled with pirates, merchants, law enforcers, and the military.
– Visit 70 ports and settlements offering over 300 unique resources and items as part of the supply chain which build up powerful ships, parts, and armaments.
– Buy, build, upgrade, and customize your airships with parts and weapons.


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