Excess Deaths: Causes (Deep Dive)

Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram dives deep into the causes of excess deaths following the 2020 pandemic. See all Dr. Seheult’s videos at: https://www.medcram.com
(This video was recorded on January 31, 2023)

Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at https://www.medcram.com
He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine.


Search Open Payments (Open Payments) | https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov

Why are we not Talking About Cancer Deaths due to COVID-19? (Onco’Zine) | https://www.oncozine.com/why-are-we-not-talking-about-cancer-deaths-due-to-covid-19/

Missed cancer screenings from COVID flash a warning to US life expectancy (Munich RE) | https://www.munichre.com/us-life/en/perspectives/missed-cancer-screenings-from-covid.html

Changes in cancer-related mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States (ASCO) | https://meetings.asco.org/abstracts-presentations/206727

Estimated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer services and excess 1-year mortality in people with cancer and multimorbidity: near real-time data on cancer care, cancer deaths and a population-based cohort study (BMJ) | https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/10/11/e043828

Excess mortality in patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru: an analysis of death registry data (Lancet) | https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(22)00427-2/fulltext

The Netherlands has one of the highest cancer rates in Europe (Expat) | https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-expat-news/netherlands-has-one-highest-cancer-rates-europe

Debunking the False Claim That COVID Death Counts Are Inflated (Scientific American) | https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/debunking-the-false-claim-that-covid-death-counts-are-inflated1/

Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19 (Nature) | https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3

Associations of Outdoor Temperature, Bright Sunlight, and Cardiometabolic Traits in Two European Population-Based Cohorts (JCEM) | https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/104/7/2903/5315432

A geographical approach to the development of hypotheses relating to Covid-19 death rates (Melatonin Research) | https://www.melatonin-research.net/index.php/MR/article/view/197

Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report (SOA) | https://www.soa.org/4a368a/globalassets/assets/files/resources/research-report/2022/group-life-covid-19-mortality-03-2022-report.pdf

More Young Americans Are Dying, But Not From Vaccines (Bloomberg) | https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-01-19/why-are-young-people-dying-in-us-and-what-are-the-causes?leadSource=uverify%20wall#xj4y7vzkg

All coronavirus updates are at MedCram.com (including more discussion on delta variant covid, COVID Delta, COVID children, natural immunity COVID 19, and more).

MedCram Update 46: https://youtu.be/EFRwnhfWXxo

MedCram Update 47: https://youtu.be/H1LHgyfPPQ8

MedCram Update 132: https://youtu.be/9OZZ6_M4OB0


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Video Produced by Kyle Allred




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37 thoughts on “Excess Deaths: Causes (Deep Dive)”

  1. The VAERS data seems to show that the majority of people who die and have also been vaccinated occur within the first 5 days. Alternatively, there is a reporting bias in that if someone were to die within a few days of being vaccinated it would be more likely to be reported. If in fact people are dying within a few days of vaccination BECAUSE of vaccination, why are we not seeing any wave or bump in the US data after a peak of 3.5 million vaccinations occurring in a single day? It is actually the lowest all cause mortality on the graph – immediately after the massive vaccine campaign surge. Remember that total excess deaths is everyone regardless of what is put on the death certificate so if it is happening we should see a similar curve for that in addition to the curves that we are seeing for SARS-CoV2 cases. We are not. https://youtu.be/-ZI7dwldSR0?t=1536
    For our EKG course and many other medical videos go to medcram.com. We have continuing medical education units. don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications.

  2. The unusual deaths that I see are the athlete's, soccer players. I've notices public figures, in their 50s and 60s dying suddenly, just dropping to the ground dead! But the two strangest things I've seen is the difference in the vaxed blood, the small clots floating in it, like dirty blood and the morticians that have been pulling large fibrous clots out of veins of the dead in order to inject the embalming fluid. You can work these figures any way you want but you can't deny what you see with your eyes. Something big is going on and it aint nice!

  3. Mnra shots destroy T cells that fight cancer – guess what – cancers will increase as the body’s immune system van no longer fight cancer cells and they will grow uninhibited.

  4. WE ALL KNOW WHY!! And it is the biggest elephant in the room that’s tired of being stuck inside and it’s just waiting to break out…too little too late unfortunately. May God help us ALL 🙏 except for those that are responsible and Karma’s a beotch. ✌️And just wait for the cancer numbers for last year and this coming year, I’m sure that they will be plentiful and insanely increased
    unfortunately. 👎🏼And the “pharmaceutical intervention” will be and is the cause. 😟 👎🏼

  5. I also can see that along with sudden Deaths we are seeing a sudden Data anomalies increasing. I think you could do a very nice video comparing increased mortality and increasing prices. You will find data to prove increased prices go along with increased prices and its logical that you can have an heart attack by inflation that is really close to inflamation. That is also related with information. When will we be able to download the new vaccine? Seems so antique to me having to unlock me down to go to a place and have a jab…

  6. I wonder why mysterious deaths 🤔 and I'm in no doubt that many deaths won't be listed as what the cause really was, my gut instinct told me right from the begining not to have any of these pricks in my arm I'm glad I took my chances as I've never caught the virus and everyone I know that had the spikes all got the virus after having the spikes …coincidence is it …..???🤔 think for yourselves and make your own minds up

  7. And if you do another similar video in 2 or 3 years I think even people that aren't totally shocked at this one certainly will be at that time, I'm in no doubt whatsoever about that

  8. Can the WHO really be trusted? They are telling India the AstraZeneca vaccine is “safe and effective” , while in the US and UK nobody uses the AZ vaccine because it’s not safe.

    As far as an apolitical discussion … that is an oxymoron

  9. People are suddenly dropping dead all over the world after vaccination while academicians sit around waiting on the data, surrounded by carcasses, to decide if the vaccines are the cause.

    They were alive before they got the jab.

  10. I have been saying that both the vaccine and the virus were likely a ripening acceleration for a long time now. I used a different analogy, as though they seemed to quicken whatever disease state was already happening within peoples bodies, in many cases perhaps unknown to people previously as it takes years for some diseases to manifest and then become chronic. For example, if your heart was affected, you likely already had the early stages of heart disease etc. And that they gave people a unique opportunity to see under the microscope their health in real time and address it before its too late. Sadly there are many stories of it being too late for some.
    I honestly have been paying little attention to Covid since I had it nearly a year ago, but recently seeing a little attention over the increase of deaths, and Pfizers trial data integrity, although i haven't taken a deep dive into either. Seeing you pop up in my feed, I was so grateful to your information from the start of the pandemic, I knew it would be worth a listen. Thankyou once again from sorting fact from fiction, correlation from causation and pulling up all that data to contemplate. I truly appreciate all you have done. 😊✌️

  11. One of my friend's relatives got DVT in arm after got a jab. Less than a year later, she got advance stage cancer.

    I don't mean that it must be the cause of all these things… but what a horrific sequence.

  12. Lost me at “what if shaking the apple tree makes the fruit ripen faster?”.

    Do agree the pandemic response and lockdowns stopped people getting treatment and elective surgery..

    Making my head spin with this sophistry but the elephant in the room is still THE UNVACCINATED ARENT DYING!

  13. A friend is a regional director of Ambulances in the UK. He states… his Ambulances become stuck outside hospitals because there is not enough capacity in A and E. Patients in A and E cannot be moved onto wards because patients that should be discharged into care homes have no where to go. Care homes cannot take patients because of a shortage of staff. Staff are unavailable because of BREXIT and higher wages in supermarkets

  14. This guy fails to mention the study in question of the 11 million people was funded by no other than astra zeneca a complete conflict of interest, we all know what's causing it children and young adults do not die of heart attacks

  15. Also how has Bulgaria with the lowest vaccination rate managed to have no excess deaths in 2022.whereas here in the United Kingdom we have been running at 16-20 percent excess desths since last april


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