Exandria Unlimited : Calamity Episode 2 Reaction | Pt 1

Let us begin episode 2 of Exandria unlimited : calamity!! Vespin is out here lurking and im Nervous for our boy Travis AKA Cerrit!!


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Please be sure to go and watch the original video if you havnt already, with the link provided down below

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40 thoughts on “Exandria Unlimited : Calamity Episode 2 Reaction | Pt 1”

  1. Regarding how many questions you can ask about with one roll – it depends on the DM and your roll. The higher a roll tends to get more information.
    I love your reactions to this!

  2. The next video you release will be a huge first for you to see, I think you will enjoy it, don't worry we'll help you figure out all the mechanics of it after you watch it.

  3. Once you roll for any kind of skill check your basically committed to that good or bad. If something would take hours to complete because you rolled badly you could say that like after 30mins I just give up but most of the time you’re pretty well committed. Like if you search for traps and you roll a 2 you don’t really get to say “oh well I only rolled a two so somebody else look for them” the character doesn’t know they missed a hidden detail and if they look and give an all clear then you have to go by that. Just as if the player rolled a nat 20 saw no traps. There’s no difference between the two because a character doesn’t know what they don’t know and neither does anyone else. If you rolled a two and missed a trap you have to go forward with the same assumptions you’d have if you rolled a nat 20 and didn’t see any traps at all. This is perhaps too hardcore anti-meta gaming for some tables but it’s a very honest way to roleplay in my opinion.

  4. When you are building a character and you want to be something like a paladin or a rogue, you put your points into certain areas. You can also get items that can add to those numbers. Zerxuis has a shield that basically super charges his strength. I hope you get to see the wrap up for this campaign because they all talk about their character creation and why they went certain ways with their builds. I think you would totally jive on that.

  5. So just to clarify, The Matron Of Ravens(The Raven Queen) isn't evil. Yeah, she's a death goddess but that doesn't make her evil. Death is just a part of life. So her champion shouldn't give you suspicions just because he's tied to her.

  6. nonono they are NOT part of the Septerion not evne close xD the Septerion are the 7 archmages of the city, i would guess some lvl20 dudes superpower centuries old.
    there are different poewr structures with the ring of gold, then the ring of silver below them and then we have the i think even only self called "ring of brass" which are the members of this party who calls i think only themself this.
    so septerion are the higehst, below are their apprentices and below that are our heroes.
    they still lvl 14 which is higher then 99% of campaigns ever come, still not close to the power of the Septerions

  7. how much u can ask or how many questions u get answered is based on what ur dm decides there are no rules for that
    as for the most stuff most is just up to your dm (dungeon master, brennon in this game)

  8. So you seemed confused when the dawnfather and wildmother were named so I will list all deities and state their domains and allegiances:

    Prime deities (protectors of mortals):
    Avandra, the Changebringer (goddess of change, freedom, luck)
    Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon (metallic (good) dragon god of honor and justice)
    Corellon, the Archeart (deity (non-binary, they/them) of art, beauty, and the elves)
    Erathis, the Lawbearer (goddess of civilization, law, and peace)
    Ioun, the Knowing Mistress (goddess of knowledge, learning, and teaching)
    Kord, the Stormlord (god of battle, competition, and storms)
    Melora, the Wildmother (goddess of seas and wilderness)
    Moradin, the Allhammer (god of craft, and creation)
    Pelor, the Dawnfather (god of healing and the sun)
    Sarenrae, the Everlight (goddess of atonement and compassion)
    Sehanine, the Moonweaver (goddess of love, illusions, moonlight, night)
    The Raven Queen, the Matron of Ravens (goddess of death, fate, twilight, inevitability, but not the afterlife)

    Betrayer gods (wanted to wipe out all their mortal creations):
    Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells (god of lies, and devils)
    Bane, the Strife Emperor (god of conquest and tyranny)
    Gruumsh, the Ruiner (god of slaughter and warfare)
    Lolth, the Spider Queen (goddess of deceit and spiders)
    Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion (god of darkness and destruction, like a living blackhole)
    Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant (goddess of chromatic dragons ie evil dragons)
    Torog, the Crawling King (god of enslavement and torture)
    Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent (god of assassins, poison, and snakes)

  9. For Cerrit's kids' ages, Maya is 7 and Kir is 5, but their character race, eisfuura, ages at a different rate than humans do, so they're maturity is closer to like 16-18 and 10-12 ish

  10. Intimidation rolls don't have a specific downside to failing. I think brennan was trying to emphasize that, since zerxus was not trying to threaten him (which is what a lot (maybe most) of intimidation rolls are), failing this roll if he chose intimidation rather than persuasion would not result in alessander being scared of him or something like that.

    A failed intimidation check in this instance would probably result in more of a "aw look at this desparate man trying to pull rank" or it would allow alessander to read zerxus' emotional state/opinions on things more than he would have wanted

  11. Our players are not part of the Septarion, that's only the ruling 7

    To clarify the power structures of Avalir (highest to lower):
    – Septarion: 7 most powerful mages in the city, the ruling council, nobody is above these people (e.g. Eldemir the Wise; earlier Imyr Por'co etc)
    – Ring of Gold: the 14 apprentices to the Septarion (each of the 7 has 2 apprentices, e.g. Loras of the Weaver's Mask and Velucia are Eldemir's apprentices)
    – Octothurge/Ring of Silver: the "Thrones of Magic" corresponding to the 8 schools of magic (e.g. enchantment, abjuration, transmutaion, etc (these are wizard sublasses) for example Lycretia Hollow is the Dean of the Throne of Necromancy)
    – Magisterium: general administration and governance of the city (there's several hundred magisters)
    – "Ring of Brass": our players, this is not an offical thing, there is technically no such thing as the "Ring of Brass" it's just what they call themselves since they're the ones actually getting shit done.
    – Guilds: e.g. Porter's Guild, Navigator's Guild, Golden Scythe (Merchant's Guild), etc

  12. "Darrington Press" is Critical Role's publishing arm. Yeah, they got subsidiaries and shit.

    Cerrit being "Inquisitive," that's the name of a sub-type of Rogue. Basically a detective type, that's where most of his super-perception skills come from.

    The Replenishment occurs once every seven years. Once every 120 years is the "alignment," when the moons both line up with Exandria and the sun.

  13. 4:10 honey heist is another ttrpg with a more simple rule system where you play as bears trying to acquire honey ^^ marisha dm'd a few honey heist one-shots, but they're not completely spoiler-free because of campaign 1 references.
    9:12 i believe the video about vespin chloras brennan referenced is just ''an intimate history of exandria", so you already watched it haha
    36:02 patia's "list of friends with bad memory" alessander referenced is just a nicer way of saying she mindwipes (there's a spell for that, modify memory lets you change like 10 minutes of the target remembers) people who've seen too much, like the porter who would know that nydas took the automata, that's why sam said they were evil ^^
    1:04:31 i think brennan just misspoke here – the replenishment is every 7 years, but the apogee solstice is every 120 years. when the pact was updated 119 years ago, i assume he meant to say it was the last replenishment after an apogee solstice, not overall

  14. Generic, non-spoiler context for upcoming sections:

    "Natural" or "nat" rolls: exactly what the dice said with none of the personal bonuses. Natural 1s are often especially bad while natural 20s are especially good. If a roll is "dirty," they've added their bonuses to it.

    When they make pidgeon noises, they're mocking themselves for metagaming–for giving advice as players that their characters couldn't or wouldn't give. Or maybe they just really WANT to say that kind of thing, but are holding themselves back.

  15. I highly recommend watching the Campaign Wrap-Up talk for Calamity. Not only does it tie up many loose ends and explains a lot of stuff, but it's super hilarious to watch to boot.

  16. Yes, anticipate some kind of hook at the end of each episode. Maybe not a full-on cliffhanger, but often a big question.

    There’s no hard and fast rule about it, but in addition to a game, this is a show, so episodes will tend to run as long or as short as it takes for the DM to feel like they’re at a good place to shut down, dramatically. (When the players shout “nooooo!” and try to negotiate for one more hour, that means it’s working.)

    That being said, a six hour episode does mean paying the crew overtime, so there are financial advantages to keeping the length down, when possible.

    (It wasn’t possible for part 4. This story’s ending on a schedule!)

  17. Re: how many questions one can ask before they have to roll again, it’s contextual (and probably varies from one DM to the next). Essentially, you can roll again when there’s something new to investigate, or a new angle to investigate from. But if it makes sense to continue with the old number, that keeps everyone honest.

    (otherwise, you could circumvent a bad roll by just flooding the DM with questions)

  18. Love these reactions. There's actually a big community of Critters and D&D fans on Twitter so if you promote your CR reactions there it will probably have a lot of reach

  19. I see some confusion on how many times you can roll a check. See, if you don't enforce a limit, people will keep spamming to roll until they finally get a high roll. So to stop that, these rolls represents every single attempt you made at that time with the current available resource.

    You might be able to sweet talk your way into a second attempt if the situation has changed enough. Like failing to lock pick but then your friend added some oil into the lock. Or you failed a history check but then someone cracked open a book and found a tiny piece of relevant trivia.

  20. For Skill Checks (such as deception/insight):
    this is usually the call of the Dungeon Master/Game Master.
    Some will allow the die roll to count for the entire conversation, while others will allow it to cover the topic of conversation only. Thus if the topic changes, new rolls need to be made.

    As for determining the Difficulty Class (DC) of the skill.
    DC less than 10 – Super Easy, DM/GMs usually don't bother asking for a roll as these tasks are nigh impossible to fail.
    DC 10 – Easy, Most people can complete this task, but some characters/non player characters can fail at this.
    DC 15 – Moderate, Very difficult for a regular person to achieve, those with specialized skills can usually do this no problem.
    DC20 – Difficult, A normal person would find this practically impossible. Whereas someone trained in the skill would just find it harder to accomplish.
    DC 25 – Very Difficult, Even those who are trained in the skill should have a hard time completing this task.
    DC 30 – Impossible, This is completed by someone who is both trained in the skill and also is lucky.

    Whenever a player refers to a natural 20/natural 1, they are talking specifically on the die. Most DMs usually automatically fail a player who rolls a Nat 1, or let a player succeed (or just not suffer the consequences for trying) on a Nat 20.
    When a player refers to a Dirty 20, it is just a term used to inform the DM/GM that the total was a 20 including skill bonuses, not a Natural 20 on the die.

  21. 16:20 Simply put, it's always up to the DM whether a roll is necessary. Generally it's a decision about a) what a given character should know given the circumstances and b) whether the game is made better in some way if the character could fail. A good DM wouldn't make you roll if it served no purpose. So if Nydas wants to know anything about the Golden Scythe, he wouldn't roll. Same with Laerryn and the machinery that makes Avalir fly. Different kinds of information require different skills, and the difficulty should be affected by how familiar a given character would be with the subject.

  22. This was my first introduction to vespin chloras as well actually!! Imma have a fun time going back to the previous campaigns to see if i can find the og lore drops 👀👀

    Darrington press is their game shop i think. They have board games and stuff!

    Oh oh oh !! Ye the intro is super cool!! Idk if it Changes but i did see someone point out that the brick frame around the players slowly becomes more cracked 👀👀👀

    ALSO YEAH these characters are crazy op. Partially bc they're rly high lvl but Also bc they have a bunch of magic items that buff their skills

    Oh and the dm can kinda decide which checks apply to what. Like sometimes a check will be just one thing and sometimes it's a continuous use of a skill over time. So it varies a lot.

    I think teleport is instant but that Would be very cool!

  23. Omggg the kids!! the kids are so pressious !!! Brennan just out here breaking all our hearts rping children 🥺🥺🥺


    Shady individuals abound in this one !! Love my shady wizards !!🧙🧙🧙

  24. Oh!! And some behind the scenes trivia abt how smart aabriya is !! Brennan revealed that he wasn't planning for the bow to be used for her machine, she drew that conclusion on her own! She's just that good!!

  25. They are tomahawks. Which don't have weapon stats in 5e, but with how they work in real life, they seem to basically just be handaxes that have the "Finesse" property, which means that you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for your attack rolls. (Since Rogues are most often a Dexterity based class)

  26. Rewatching this I’m noticing a lot of hints/foreshadowing of things that’ll happen later that I didn’t catch before. Because of that im also realizing how good of a GM Brennan actually is. (I thought he was good before but wow)


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