Ex-Game Developer Reacts To "Overwatch 2 is a Pathetic Preview" | by Dunkey

Ex-Game Developer Reacts To “Overwatch 2 is a Pathetic Preview” | by Dunkey
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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_0PSZ2S_yw



32 thoughts on “Ex-Game Developer Reacts To "Overwatch 2 is a Pathetic Preview" | by Dunkey”

  1. I have been enjoying the change to 5 heroes and the removal of stuns. Sorry about all the hate in the chat Blau, I think 3 dps might be a cool change or at least trying it would be nice.

  2. I have to agree in the expression of characters. Hell, even paladins does this better in my opinion. With there card and multiple talent system, there's many ways to play the characters and express different play styles. But in overwatch, you pretty much just play one way per character in a mode that feels outdated and slow. Options goes a long way in games like this. Just how I see it.

  3. I have over 1K hours in CS, didn't use my PC for years, came back and tried CS again. Was basically the same exact game and I got bored of it. Tried Valorant during the beta and have been addictive ever since. Valorant just does everything better than CSGO currently and I don't think Valve could make that game relevant in NA without making a new Counter-Strike.

  4. All the OW=OW2 or OW 1.x memes are judging on the PVP beta, expect them to release a PVE beta later. PVP does feels better. 1 heal definitely works, but highly dependent on the player itself, expect everyone to complain about heals. The meta in open queue when tryharding seems to be 2 tank especially since they were buffed to be single tank. One of the problems in OW1 was people wanted to play dps and less tanks. You figure buffing tanks might've been a possible solution, now we have players playing 2 tanks in open queue. 3 DPS can be viable, but probably map dependent.

  5. 12:40
    You're basically describing Battlerite Royale.

    The game is still somewhat good but 0 actual good players and way too much bots (if you have hands you should reach Grand Master in a Week or two since I managed to do it with my shitty laptop in 9 hours of gameplay). The characters feels good to play and the combat system is great though the queue times are horrible and once again, no good players.

  6. as a consistent long time overwatch player (maining supp and tank) 1-3-1 will be very bad I feel, it will only maybe work in top 500 but most of the players are gold (me included). in ow2 beta it feels so dogshit to play because you get a dogshit tank player on your team and you are done for.

  7. As someone who has played to much overwatch and continue to play overwatch I think the second is very easy to hate on with little updates to support and only one character, I have faith that the pve will be good. It’s just a matter of holding out until then

  8. These are some of my favorite videos of yours. Maybe because I'm an older viewer, but I really enjoy learning more about a game than what buttons to push.

  9. No one can say shit on valorant, there was not an update for csgo for like 22 months until valorant came out… it will be the next biggest ongoing esport.
    from an apex player BRs still aren't meant for esports to much rng.

  10. i also find it scummy how they rushed the pvp development in overwatch 2 just so they could run OWL on it and try and build hype I guess? And all its done is dissapoint the entire fan base and beyond

  11. He’s right valorant will stay, if csgo moves to source 2 then valorant won’t touch it. I mean the challenger stage had 300,000 views the grand finale will push up 500,000 plus.

  12. For real though, I agree with Overwatch needing some more testing with team comps and game modes. I can't honestly in full confidence say what changes would have been the best, but Overwatch is in a place right now where anything is better than what we have now. I, much like most people I know, haven't touched Overwatch for longer than a month since like 2018. I come back to it every now and then because the characters and team comp interactions can be so good, but every time I come back after 1 or 2 matches the wind gets knocked out of my sails and I can't force myself to play anymore. I've talked to some people who have stuck with this game after all these years and they've expressed concerns regarding drastic changes to PvP, but its like c'mon man the game can't stay the way it is… people stopped playing it for a reason. Devs shouldn't be afraid of messing with a failing formula, they're the devs- literally the only people who can work it out and the players will adapt regardless. Idk maybe its nostalgia but I really do feel like the 2016-2017 Overwatch experience was proof they can make something really special with what they have, it just can't be more of the same formula that already drove so many people away. I honestly hope they figure something out with the PvP because as cool as the PvE sounds, I personally find a game's replayability to be in large part in the PvP.

  13. The overwatch they showed was just the beta and it shows as they later on added open queue. And to regards to 3 dps….. 1 tank 3 dps 2 support would be better imo. 1 support is too little cause there isn't much to pick up the slack. 1 tank can have their slack picked up by dps too. But that is only for comp. I feel that for casual players it's pretty damn good.

    Valo is dogshit kek ( good for whoever likes it but damn is it not for me enjoy it if you do.)

  14. Slightly smaller scale (smaller than 64/map)… battlefield-style (team-based/squad-based) … where 1 gamemode can be like battlefields operations/breakthrough with attackers advancing across the map and defenders trying to hold them off…

    Now that i think of it, maybe battlefield 2042 shouldve been Overwatch 2… just on a slightly smaller scale
    just a thought


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