Ex Cop Sends 3 To the Shadow Realm & Wounds 9 in California Mass Shooting


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9 thoughts on “Ex Cop Sends 3 To the Shadow Realm & Wounds 9 in California Mass Shooting”

  1. I find it interesting that the white media was hesitant in revealing the identity of this shooting because it would had proved our point that most American mass shootings are done by white Americans which the rate is at 75% percent done by the Census Bureau. That is three times as high as black Americans that are doing it which is at least 13% percent.

  2. This was a major story here in SoCal when it happened serveral days. Didn't know that the soon to be ex survived as I had her mixed up her friend who ended up not surviving.

    & just yesterday (at the posting of this comment), we have yet another one take place in a Florida Dollar General store & that guy intentionally targeted FBA before turning the gun on himself. So it's not just the Man Crisis that's an issue, but the increasing anti-Black mindset that's bubbling up. & both will get worse because society doesn't want to address the roots of either.

  3. One of the three victims who was killed was his estranged wife's girlfriend. I think his wife's girlfriend could be the cause to why they were getting a divorce for her personal gain. This is why people need to stay out of folks marriage and relationship for the sake of their safety because people out here are crazy.

  4. modern relationships in this day in age is a culture of death especially if your a soft weak looking simp the juice is not worth the sqeueeze with the western american females men going there own way is the furture MGTOW

  5. What’s even more is this dysfunctional mentality goes beyond killers. Even news media personalities appeal to this idea that something or someone made a person do something bad. Which a mature, functional person would not do that. They would properly put the guilt on the perpetrator if mature and functional as an adult. The reality is that society is sick with the dysfunctional, self-centered attitude where people aren’t at fault for what they do.


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