Evil's lure/2nd channel/William's pain/Archbishop, Meg & broken Harry/Charles options/photo problems

NOTE: Letters to King Charles III should be sent to:
His Majesty
The King
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
United Kingdom.

Please sign Lady Colin Campbell’s Petition inviting Prince Harry to ask The King to put his titles & royal status into abeyance. https://www.change.org/p/the-public-invitation-to-prince-harry-to-request-the-queen-to-put-his-titles-into-abeyance?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_28949031_en-GB%3A8&recruiter=1205195839&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition

🇬🇧 Book order https://www.amazon.co.uk/Meghan-Harry-Lady-Colin-Campbell/dp/1916131719

In the four hundred and forth episode Lady Colin Campbell discusses the attractions of evil and how they lure in the unsuspecting; confirms that she will be hosting a second channel while this one remains unchanged; discusses the anguish siblings like Prince William suffer from when they discover that a beloved brother or sister turns out to hate them; the woke Archbishop of Canterbury and the role he is playing in brokering a deal between the Sussexes and the King; whether The King is too weak to deal with Harry or his conduct is more layered than the public suspects; the health issues behind handling Harry; the Mail’s declaration that the photograph with Prince Andrew is genuine: the Mail’s involvement from the very beginning in contacting then inducing Virginia Giuffre with offers of large sums of money to tell then embellish her story; the disquieting anomalies with the photograph whether it is genuine or not; the question of whether Harry has been a pain to William all his life; the Royal Family’s continuing involvement with Lady Susan Hussey; the preposterous claims that Charles and Camilla have a lovechild; how Parliament could exclude Harry from ascending the throne in the event of William’s family’s demise: the precedent for mad kings to accede and be deposed and why such an eventuality would be extremely unlikely in the Britain of tuday.

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Managed by Misha Ziadie-Campbell

©Copyright reserved Lady Colin Campbell


39 thoughts on “Evil's lure/2nd channel/William's pain/Archbishop, Meg & broken Harry/Charles options/photo problems”

  1. Unfortunately, empathetic, compassionate, loving parenting will not ensure a mutually beneficial, healthy had happy relationship. Especially when destructive influences are involved. I emphasize with King Charle, such a sad situation for all, with exception of the master manipulator.

  2. hi, Lady C.. I doubt that PH would have been harmed ‘in utero’ . All the nutrients the growing baby needs is taken first before the mother gets a look in. And I doubt that Lady Di would have been severely malnourished , she attended functions etc , and had first rate health care . Catherine would have needed similar care during her pregnancies too as we are told she had ‘hyperemis gravidarum’ , another horrible condition to suffer . PH may have inherited any mix of ancient intermarriage genes from either side of family.

  3. Will Q Camilla allow this? After his 1st book, there’ll be another book & another book. It won’t end. KC needs to put his foot down & stop giving in to those 2. If you stand up to those 2, they will back off.

  4. Thank you Lady C. I'm also impressed with your channel. Your words of wisdom, I find quite profound. Evil often looks and seems harmless and attractive; I am a bit jaded as I get older but happily very wary of those who seem too good to be true. Power to William, he has great dignity and sense I think💗 cheers for your insights🌹🌏🪐🌕🙏🌸🇦🇺⛱️🐦🦋🏡🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  5. Dear Lady C, I remembered watching Harry as a child with Diana and she was surrounded by the press. Harry was sticking his tongue out with his face plastered against the glass of her car and another time when they were walking the press was there….same behavior. Diana never corrected him. I think she loved him to death but I also thought to myself he was going to become a hard boat to row. She over indulged him. Thank God William is not like that as far as we know. Is he? And was the cheating rumor true with Williams ex girlfriend?

  6. Dear Lady C. Speaking of evil. What is your opinion of the King and monarchy supporting WEF and the great reset. (who's goal as per their website and speeches, is for regular folk to "own nothing and be happy" while self elected small group of elites govern ) I assume the King would know what is happening at those meetings through covert representatives if his goal was to "keep an eye out" at what they are doing over there. So it goes to reason that he sent a representative because he openly supports the WEF agenda. I've seen a video where he states he believes the world needs the great reset. We know how much praise William had for Jacinda. What are your thoughts on the monarchy supporting the WEF?

  7. Dear Lady C I came across a site on YouTube called Bookworm 2. The heading was entitled, Could This Be True. I could hardly believe what I was reading. After having read it I thought Lady C must see this. Its about Harry. He apparently raped and brutally battered this woman about the face and head, she was unrecognisable she was lucky to survive. This was hushed up and the victim has had to have a carerminder ever since. The victim is now willing and wanting to speak out about it, including potographs as soon as the NDA is overturned. Apparently something similar happened in California, also hushed up.
    What are your thoughts on this Lady C. Have you heard anything about this. On a lighter note I never miss your informative videos and love your outfits and jewellery and I have to say you most certainly do NOT look your age. Please give Micki and Aurora a kiss from me, such beautiful fur babies. God Bless

  8. From what I have learned, a deficient diet while a baby is in utero, is more apt to cause physical/ skeletal deformity; such as Spina bifida and etc. Maybe it can cause mental/ emotional deformities🤔😶 I feel Harry has just been so devastated by his mother's death that he's vulnerable. Narcissists like I think Meghan is, know exactly how to suck on to someone who's vulnerable. I think she, (Meghan), has said exactly what Harry wanted to hear and she was determined after all to get herself into the RF. I truly think Meghan had the Audacity to think she could 'win' William away from his gorgeous wife!!😂😂😂 Which is very delusional. But any photo I have ever seen when they're all together; Meghan is totally eyeing William off! It's funny because you can tell he knows it and doesn't acknowledge her because of it😂😂😂😂 god help Harry, because anyone can see he's being manipulated in a horribly narcissistic relationship. We all know someone who's been in one of those destructive partnerships and it's the hardest thing for them to escape😔🤔😶🌏🪐🌕🙏🌸🇦🇺🌞⛱️👣🐦🦋🏡🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  9. Lady Collins, I love your style: the combination of eloquence with a little cheeky naughtiness is very chic and demonstrates your innate class. Greetings from the Netherlands, with kind regards, Louella.

  10. I believe the late Queen gave precise, meticulous advice to King Charles regarding the coronation before she passed. The Queen had a very good sense of how to protect the Monarchy. Leaving them out would only support the notion that the Royals' secrets have been revealed. H&M's attendance verifies their presence is not a threat, since it's based on lies. More importantly, if they weren't allowed to attend, Harry would have accepted the position of the narrator in the live broadcast. I can't wait to see how Megzy is humiliated by everyone will turn their back and won't acknowledge her presence! Unless she makes some excuse and doesn't attend. We'll see.

  11. Lady c. I love your channel. If you get questions about the press release for their charity. Due to the fact that it is non profit and donations are taxable; they have to filefinancial forms with irs(internal revenue service).They have to by law file form 990 which is made free for public from irs website. Its a complete financial breakdown. It's filed under archwell inc. The new one isn't up yet.

  12. Lady C. I love your videos, you tend to be fair and very knowledgeable about historical facts. However, as a nutritionist I must advise you to stop suggesting Harry is the way he is because of Diana’s bulimia. Your suggestion is not impossible, however the mother must have lost a tremendous amount of wait to affect the unborn child. She has to be almost cachectic, but not cachectic because In cachexia the mother can’t even become pregnant because she can’t ovulate. Looking at Diana’s pictures at the time when she was pregnant with Harry, she looks skinny but not cachectic, not even close. My daughter, who is a psychiatrist, tell me Harry shows some of Diana’s mental characteristics, but these mental illnesses don’t manifest unless the child is under an extreme negative environment. In other word, Diana passed some of these bad genes to Harry and William, but Harry was the only one manifesting them because he was living under a negative environment around the time his mother died. If I remember well William moved to school soon after Diana died, but Harry didn’t, now he lost his brother too. My daughter also tells me the death of a parent becomes detrimental only if the other parent fails to compensate for the lost. I don’t have any information about Charles behavior around Harry when Diana died, probably very caring, but not caring enough according to Harry. Do I believe everything Harry says and do, of course not, but it’s very apparent the man did suffer and felt lonely after his mother death. His behavior appears deplorable to all of us because he is a 38 year old man behaving like a 13 year old spoiled child. Unfortunately Meghan made Harry’s behavior worst, unlike Catherine, she was not a caring nourishing wife. I apologize for my English which is’t my native language. Keep up your excellent work, I have watched all your videos from the beginning and learned a great deal of history.

  13. Hello Lady Colin Campbell,

    Hello from Australia.

    I've been thinking about your new channel and thought I would let you know my thoughts. I have recently stopped watching Australia's public broadcaster–technical issues, but I also have started to tire of its left leaning. I've been considering paying for a subscription to a more centrist news source.

    I hope your new channel be a great success. You have worked hard, if I may say, towards building your presence on YouTube.

    God bless and take care

  14. Ever wonder if Maleficent is silent because she’s having plastic surgery to make her look more like Diana, or Princess Catherine? Or to look more African? That’s a good reason for not being around.

  15. Obviously letting Harry play around as the "bad boy" ..allowing him to fail as a student..and his behavior being laughed at and covered up …He wasn't  raised in   and doesn't understand the Royal edict of Service and Noblis Oblige  ..he was raised "outside " those parameters " ….He has become part of the " woke" and entitled culture as he feels he can do and say anything he wants without any pushback…He will vent his anger at not getting what he wants by being vindictive …Pulling EVERY negative he can and spinning it for profit..EVERYONE  could do that if they had ao pulpit!! So egregiously wrong! I fear for his mental state as he has only known privilege every day of his life…waited on..revered..indulged…It will only get worse as  these privileges are removed and he must stand on his own and produce something of substance…There seems to be nothing there…very tragic

    If they took photos or recordings that's entrapment..ANYONE could do that to their family or acquaintances!! Such an egregious act ..verges on sociopathic … vindictive and viscious..

  16. I'm sorry this is off topic but I'm wondering what Britons think about Penny Wong's calling Great Britain out for their "Colonialist Past" in Parliament so close to King Charles coronation? Do you think it's a bit like Meghan Markle calling the British racists?

  17. If you theatricality animated life in ANY family..took conversations and private things being said
    Out of context for your own purpose of causing shade and harm ..nothing easier…its a vindictive and cruel thing to do…ALL families have a script,a history of unpleasant scenerios..so sociopathic to reveal and spin you and your families life for MONEY…Harry was allowed to be the "bad boy" with every privilege of power known to man….not having anything himself to contribute, all he can do is spew out his vindictive privileged nature..he's doomed..a very tragic future awaits him..where can you go from here,when you have no more to offer and nothing to give …

  18. Bigger picture..If you had access to abundant privilage ,no matter where you stood in the hierarchy, you could make a name for yourself even greater than the King…having more lateral movement and freedom…start doing good works..using your extreme means to truly make a difference..start SCHOOLS..education programs etc..

  19. Whenever the Gender Hate Based comments slapped up by Men (& indeed by women) at Meghan & at half the population on Gender Hate Grounds have been prosecuted as Hate Crimes THEN and ONLY then can you or other Men & Women afford to point their greasy finger at Meghan.

  20. Lady Colin Campbell QUESTION- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ How can it be that everyone around the Spare and his Mare 🐴 can be so awful they are need to become estranged from? The Gruesomes are estranged from Sparry's family, the Whinging Witch's Dad, her father's family, her mother's family and a whole load of past friends and past employees. How can it be that the Spare and his Mare can only be surrounded by such horrific people, that they must ALL get trashed and/or dumped? Lady C, what are the odds?

  21. I need to repeat this until people realize the truth! I don’t think anyone has been more harmed by M than Harry himself!
    He’s hated by the country that once loved him; he thinks the people that loved him the most are not his friends; his loving memories have all been perverted and twisted; he will never get over missing several opportunities to visit his loving Grandmother before she passed. He now believes he was never invited to fly with his family to Balmoral the day his Grandmother died, when in fact, he was not only invited but they waited close to an hour for him, while his wife fought with him because SHE WAS NOT INVITED! IMO, he’s been more harmed than anyone! 💔

    Let’s not forget, his WIFE HAS WRITTEN THIS HORRIBLE HATEFUL BITTER BOOK in his name and he hasn’t got the strength of character to call her out & let the world know he did NOT write his own bio! Let’s place credit where credit is really due.

  22. I feel that he got away with everything and that’s how he grew up. No matter what he done, he never paid the consequences. He was always spoilt. Any always had his own way. I don’t know if he played the Diana card when he was little came to every time he was naughty he would bring out more because I lost my mum young and used to pull the heartstrings of his dad and everyone around him and William had to be. I’ve only had to be the strong one to look after his brother. I feel like Harry played up so much. He pushed William out a lot. That’s what it looks like when I watch them.

  23. I didn’t agree with the treatment of Lady Hussey, and I still don’t. It put the royal family in a very poor light, making them look cowardly and weak. The same impression is now been given by King Charles over Harry.

  24. How are these two ever going to support their lifestyles? They want to be given things for doing nothing. They have no intellect or talents other than being cagey & opportunists.


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