Evil West Review

Evil West reviewed by David Jagneaux on PC, also available on PlayStation and Xbox.

This refreshing blast from the past from the developer of Shadow Warrior 3 nails the most important parts of its old-school, vampire-hunting action. The combat is smooth and its weapon options are ludicrously entertaining, but low enemy variety and overly similar level layouts can grow somewhat monotonous after a while. This is far from the most complex or innovative action shooter, but every so often you just want to have some fun smashing in monster skulls.



44 thoughts on “Evil West Review”

  1. It's seems like this is one of those cases where they ask an expert in real time strategies to review call of duty. Of course, all reviews are opinions, but this guy probably only plays ubisoft games that are 100 hours and he gets a game closer to arcade action and doesn't understand why elements would be repetitive

  2. Gotta love how no matter what IGN say or put out, people (who obviously haven't even touched the game yet) go against everything they say and try to make excuses for games. Guys, games can be bad, can be repetitive and do deserve criticism. That's how we make gaming better.

  3. Just because this is not triple A game IGN says its boring Dude ive got news to you Devio may Cry is same as this they just are triple A game with repetitive fighting in small area and new weapon unlockables. Stop making bias opinions on games that are not triple A games

  4. The sad part is there is not much room for flaws these days. In the 80s and 90s tons of games had horrible glaring issues but still did well. Now, there are so many perfect 10s that an 8 or lower review is like the kiss of death. Unfortunate for a game that hundreds of people spent years of their lives creating.


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