Evidences for a Pre-Trib Rapture | Lee Brainard

When will the Rapture occur? Will believers experience all or part of the Tribulation? What does the Bible say?

Join us on the #SoundWordsPodcast as we dive into biblical eschatology with Lee Brainard and explore the timing of the Rapture of the church.

Lee Brainard is a Bible teacher and author. You can learn more about Lee and his ministry by visiting his channel @Soothkeep.

#SoundWords #Sermon #Eschatology #Rapture #PreTrib

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27 thoughts on “Evidences for a Pre-Trib Rapture | Lee Brainard”

  1. Trying to understand the rapture? Paul spells it out for us.

    2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    …by our gathering together unto Him….

    2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    …day of Christ…

    2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    …that day (when we are gathered to Jesus/day of Christ)… will not arrive until the apostasy happens and the man of sin be revealed. He even warns you not to let any man deceive you in these matters.



  2. There's not going to be a rapture.
    You nut-jobs have been flailing your arms about this, pointing to the sky, and cross referencing current events since 33 AD claiming that it's imminent. Move the F on.

  3. There is NOT ONE verse that teaches a pre-trib rapture. NOT ONE. If there were, that would make Jesus a liar. Thats why pre-trib teachers NEVER quote what Jesus taught. This is what Jesus TRULY taught. Mt13:30,37-43/ 25:32-33/ Jn5:28-29/ Lu 17:28-30. NO pre-trib rapture, NO one left behind, and NO litteral 1000 years. Now if these so-called experts think they can produce ONE scripture that would CONTRADICT what JESUS TAUGHT. Who should we believe? This so-called expert teaches the CHURCH cannot go through the tribulation. Well, why don't we ask the Apostles if THEIR tribulation was not really that bad. They did NOT really suffer. Where they part of the CHURCH? Are YOU better than the Apostles???? P.S. These so-called experts teach a 7 year tribulation. That is also a lie. NOT one verse teaches that. Show me scripture!!!

  4. pretrib explanation is so so so general…..brainard is unconvincing……no hard questions are asked…..the two interviewers just accept a very general explanation…..here is one simple question: Explain the son of perdition issue….judas was revealed to the saints before Jesus ascended….this issue is a typology towards end time happenings….the son of perdition (anti christ) will be revealed to the saints before the rapture…..brainard does not even consider this along with other obvious questions……plus I would like to hear brainard read greek…

  5. We should be taught all scenarios just in case. I’m learning about the possible millennial reign of Christ that supposedly happened, and that this timeline we are in right now is the little season of Revelation 20.

    I’m still pre trib rapture. But I doesn’t hurt to know all different scenarios, because when that mothership called the New Jerusalem turns up, we need to make sure we don’t attack it. Remember NBC News said there’s a mother ship in our solar system…the ultimate 9D chess move would be Satan saying that’s the Antichrist and his alien demons and we go and attack Christ and His camp of saints.

    I’m just saying LEARN all possibilities. This is not a SALVATION issue.

    There will be NO early pre-tribulation rapture. YES, we will see the LORD. On the LAST day. But, know that we are never promised to escape tribulation, ONLY wrath.
    Christ promises to COME for us. (not whisk us away). He will COME for us, and where HE is we will be with Him. At the END. At His COMING. The LAST trump.
    John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; I will raise him up at the LAST DAY.”
    We are never promised to escape tribulation. ( We are promised to escape wrath.). Tribulation and wrath are totally different non-interchangeable things.
    Tribulation is NOT wrath. Understanding here brings discernment. Tribulation is of this world, of Satan. "Satan will come down in great anger, as his days are limited."
    We are called to REJOICE, PERSEVERE/ENDURE and be patient in tribulation.
    And, tribulation is not wrath… Wrath is the wrath of God.. and is clear when GOD sends his judgements and wrath FROM HEAVEN.
    Christ, as He prayed to the Father: John17:15 " I do NOT pray that You should take my people out of the world, but that You should keep them (close and protect) from the evil one."
    When many cite the Scripture "I shall keep them from…" that means to keep close, He is with us, He will 'protect' us… That we might. not be deceived, and lose salvation.
    We WILL see the antichrist and the mark of the beast. Those who ENDURE UNTIL THE END and do not accept the mark shall be saved.
    Those seen in heaven in Revelation are those who have COME OUT OF the great tribulation.
    By any possible translation, it is clear that they WERE IN tribulation.
    In Daniel we are told that THOSE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD will have great resistance to the evil one who will declare that he is god.
    Satan/the antichrist will make Great War against the saints. And, that is here on earth.
    As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah, so it shall be. And in both of these prophetic examples God Himself comes and brings these families to safety from WRATH AND DESTRUCTION. (not 'tribulation') And, this occurs AT THE VERY LAST MOMENT.
    There is no confusion here. God is not the author of confusion. The Scriptures are very clear. Satan is the father of all lies.
    The chronology of the end days is clear.
    1. The great tribulation. (Men will become more apostate, the rise of the antichrist)
    2. The rapture, when Christ will COME for us. This is AT HIS SECOND COMING. The Lord leaves heaven, COMES with his angels, and the earth is reaped.
    3. Immediately AFTER, then the seven bowls, wrath, that is currently being with held, will be poured upon the earth.
    there will be NO wrath during the tribulation. Tribulation is NOT wrath. Remember WRATH LASTS BUT FOR A MOMENT… AND JOY COMES IN THE MORNING.
    4. Christ reigns with his body of believers, from the New Jerusalem.

  7. Why are so many falling for the pre trib rapture. Know your Bible. How spelled out does it have to be. Stop listening to people who like to tickle the ear and study and read for yourself. This is how I know when people are full of it, called discernment. Certain things "must" happen before his return. Look up what they are.

  8. All the views agree that we’re not appointed unto wrath per 1 Thessalonians 5:9:

    “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ”.

    Other verses that say we are saved from God’s wrath are 1 Thess 1:10, Rom 5:9 and Eph 5:6. If we take a quick moment to look at the Greek word for “wrath” in every single one of these verses, however, we learn that it is the word “orge” (G3709). The original text of Scripture is therefore quite simple and straightforward. We are not appointed to suffer, and are saved from, the “orge” wrath of God.

    But here is what this video did not discuss. In English translations, the word “wrath” is found 13 times in Revelation, however there are two different words translated as wrath — “orge” and “thymos.” Since many are not aware of this significant distinction they also fail to realize that the “orge” wrath that we are saved from is itself only found six times in Revelation. And here’s the kicker: Each time “orge” is found it is always used in a post-trib context only (cf. 1 Thess. 5:9; Rev 6:16-17; 11:18; 14:10; 16:19; 19:15).

    Scripture is therefore telling us that the “orge” wrath that we are saved from is not the same type of wrath we find during Great Tribulation. The “orge” wrath that we are saved from is only found immediately after the tribulation at the Second Coming of Christ. As such, even if the rapture does not happen until immediately after the tribulation we are still saved from the “orge” of God as promised, yet still present to witness the “thymos” wrath of the first six trumpets and vials/bowls upon Antichrist, Antichrist’s kingdom, and Antichrist’s people. In the “orge” wrath God’s anger will not subside. It will not abate. It is not a punishment to chasten and invoke the wicked to repentance like the “thymos” of God that we see during tribulation — because when the “orge” of God comes it is then too late.

  9. I looked at Rev 3:10 and don't see where it supports a pre-trib rapture:

    Rev 3:10, "Because you have kept (tēreō) My command to persevere, I also will keep you from (tēreō ek) the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."

    The word for "keep" (tēreō) means to "take care of, to guard, to keep one in the state in which he is" and does not even imply physical removal. If anything, it means the opposite. We know this because of how it is used elsewhere in Scripture. Here is one of dozens of examples:

    John 17:15, "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should KEEP them from (tēreō ek) the evil one."

    Jesus is very clear, "tēreō" means spiritual protection and/or preservation. There are dozens of examples of this in the New Testament. Revelation 3:10 in no way, shape or form teaches a pre-trib rapture. It is textually impossible.

  10. I have a question because in 1 Thess 4:16-17, the word to "meet" is key. The word for “meet” that Paul used is the Greek word “apantēsis” — a very special word that only occurs here and in three other places in Scripture. In Vocabulary of the Greek Testament by G. Milligan and James Hope Moulton, “The word apantesis seems to have been a kind of official welcome of a newly arriving dignitary – a usage which accords excellently with its NT usage.”

    In Greek culture the word “apantēsis” had a technical meaning to describe the visit of a dignitary or a king or a famous person to a city where the visitor would be formally met by citizens or a deputation that would rush to meet them and then ceremonially escort them back into the city. For instance, when a Roman emperor approached a city, the leading citizens went out to welcome him and had the honor of processing into the city with him. This whole event was described as the “apantēsis.”

    In Matthew 25:1,6 it describes the virgins going out to meet the bridegroom, to escort him back into the house. In Acts 28:14-16 it is used to describe brethren from Rome coming out to Appii Forum, to meet Paul and his company, and then escort them back to Rome. In each example of “apantēsis” the escort back is virtually immediate. We don’t have them going out to meet the subject, then going to where the subject came from for years, and then later escorting the subject back. That was not the custom. The subject who was coming is met by those who are already at his destination. And what is His destination? Where we are — Earth.

    This verse suggeats that when Christ comes back to Earth, we will go out to meet Him, and will remain in the air temporarily until the indignation ("orge" wrath) is complete, and we immediately escort Him back:

    Zechariah 14:4-5, “And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, [Making] a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south… Thus the LORD my God will come, *And all the saints with You.*”

    Scripture is not telling us here that we are removed from the Earth to conveniently go to Heaven while the wicked remain to unleash global hell. Those of us who are alive and remain (the Greek word means those who survive) are transformed from corruptible to incorruptible, and we are caught up to meet the Lord in the air to then escort the King of Kings back to Earth — ie. Jerusalem — which is consistent with its usage in every single verse of Scripture. Why does the pre-trib position suddenly change the intended meaning of the "apantēsis"? Instead of us escorting the Messiah back to Earth for His Second Coming, pre-tribism has the arriving King making a sudden U-turn to conveniently take us to Heaven instead, which the text does not say anywhere, at any place, at any time.

    Proverbs 10:30, “The righteous will never be removed, But the wicked will not inhabit the earth.”

  11. I'm surprised he claims that Irenaeus taught a pre-trib rapture. Irenaeus believed the Church would be on earth during the tribulation and worked to prepare himself and his readers to identify the Antichrist when he comes.

    Irenaeus: "It is therefore more certain, and less hazardous, to await the fulfilment of the prophecy, than to be making surmises, and casting about for any names that may present themselves, inasmuch as many names can be found possessing the number mentioned; and the same question will, after all, remain unsolved… *But he indicates the number of the name now, that when this man comes we may avoid him, being aware who he is.*" (Against Heresies, V, 30, 3, 4).

    Furthermore, Irenaeus also taught that the one and only resurrection (singular) of the dead in Christ to eternal life takes place after the Antichrist, not before:

    "For all these and other words were unquestionably spoken in reference to the resurrection of the just, which takes place after the coming of Antichrist, and the destruction of all nations under his rule; in [the times of] which [resurrection] the righteous shall reign in the earth, waxing stronger by the sight of the Lord" (Against Heresies, V, 35, 1).

    The pre-trib rapture teaches the opposite, that the resurrection happens before the tribulation. But as Irenaeus notes, according to Revelation 20:4-5, the “First Resurrection” of the dead in Christ to eternal life only happens after tribulation, not before. If this resurrection is not before the tribulation then a rapture of the Church before the tribulation is impossible (1 Thess 4:16).

  12. Bro Lee is well studied in the Pre Tribulation Area. He is ahead of most because early on he was in the other camp until the Word of God revealed the truth.
    My little Bible Church as a child taught pre tribulation rapture in the 1950s. So blessed to have gone there.

  13. Yes, first the Bridegroom takes his Bride to the wedding.
    the marriage supper of the Lamb, (Rev ch 19) we return with Christ to mt Zion in the Great second coming.

  14. Evidence for pre trib rapture???

    How bout proof of a resurrection.
    Jesus Christ

    Revelation 11:15-18
    The wrath is after Christ has reigned.

    He begins to reign at the first resurrection of the dead in Christ.
    Revelation 20:4-6

    The wrath of God is this:
    Revelation 14:8-11
    Interestingly enough though verse 12-13
    speaks of the patience of the saints.
    Refer back to
    Revelation 3:10
    Sounds like this would be keeping us from the temptation to take the mark.

    Also since the dead in Christ shall rise first,
    Revelation 20:4-6…
    (These will also be the dead in Christ because they die for the witness of Jesus and of God)
    this would be after the great tribulation that the brothers and sisters in Revelation chapter 7
    go through. Ultimately being resurrected in Revelation 20:5-6.

    We are Israel.
    Abraham's descendants, are they of the flesh of Abraham or of the faith of Abraham?
    (Rhetorical question)

    1 Corinthians 15:22-26
    Paul explains that Christ must reign until all enemies are put under His feet then He will deliver the kingdom up to God even the Father.
    At the end.


  15. There is NO "pre-trib" rapture. It is the height of "Christian" arrogance to think you are better than the Disciples and even the Messiah himself and will not have to enter trials and tribulations as they did. Numerous prophesies and verses warn of the trials to come, prison, beheadings, death, and in those same, we are instructed to remain faithful even unto death. Then, we will be given the crown of life. Pre-trib rapture teachings are deceptions and lies and the product of Satan.

  16. I like to watch content by Goodfight Ministries,,which has great information about Occult practices in Hollywood, Movies and music.. but it really disappoints me when they attack the Pre-Trib view and call it a false demonic teaching. I can’t for the life of me understand how they cannot see it in scripture

  17. Just to see if I got this right, the pretrib is true, it’s just that it will be a long while of suffering more before it happens? 😓😩
    Christ is my hope and joy, but this world has been draining me for decades and my will is getting weaker and weaker. I’m trying so hard to cope and I am absolutely terrified that my exhaustion and weakness from years of weight and struggle will cause me to make a wrong turn before He saves us. 😞

  18. Those who really UNDERSTAND the Word of God will understand that there is a Pre Trib Rapture. It’s that simple. 🤷🏾‍♂️
    Those who don’t believe in a Pre trib rapture I bet they also believe you can lose your salvation.

    Jesus is coming for his bride to remove her out of the way(rapture) then Jacob’s trouble will begin.


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