EVERYTHING WRONG with New World… Can they fix it in time? | New World Game Overview

Seth has scoured the internet and the forums and compiled this video discussing the obstacles facing the devs at Amazon studios. Can they pull of the fixes they need to make this game great by September 28?

Thank you for your support, and as always, GAME IT ‘TIL YOU MAKE IT! ♡♡♡

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4 thoughts on “EVERYTHING WRONG with New World… Can they fix it in time? | New World Game Overview”

  1. New World gives me huge Cyberpunk overpromise underdeliver vibes. My bet is a huge day 1 patch, and a slow steady stream of improvements over the first year. Definitely on my "wait and see" list and not my day 1 purchase list.

  2. New World seems to make graphics cards draw so much power that computers that have them crash (over voltage or over current protection). Either that or the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 and other Nvidia 30 Series graphics cards have bad hardware (bad capacitors?) or software.


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