In this Warframe Guide, I will show you how to EASILY beat Steel Path!
We’re going to go over how to deal more damage and beat even enemies at level 150. All this with just low cost equipment up to Mastery Rank 5!
So if you’re still a beginner but need a strong Warframe or Weapon to take on Steel Path then this is the video for you!

This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, WarframeFlo, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more…

Background vector: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/abstract-yellow-comic-zoom_6481665.htm#query=yellow%20background&position=48&from_view=keyword – Image by vector_corp on Freepik

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29 thoughts on “EVERYBODY can beat STEEL PATH in Warframe LIKE THIS!…”

  1. Actually, I'm just gonna do something "fun," which will still be relevant to the video.
    I'm just going to re-frame the terminology used in the first Interception Mission node in Steel Path, to reflect some more contemporary scenarios.

    So, there's an old television studio on Earth which can still broadcast over VHF. The owner has converted it, nominally, into a venue for whatever promotion wants to hold an event there, (and assume all financial and legal risk responsibility for whatever happens). 

    The spaces which used to be used for broadcasting, while the gear is still theoretically functional (so long as nobody is doing anything reckless or destructive on or around it) have otherwise been converted to rooms that get used for mosh pits, rave orgies, drug parties, and NHB Battle Royale Gambling.

    A Grineer promotor has set up an event, (on a night when you have to get untraceable bit torrent data packets sent by using analog transmission on an old VHF channel frequency), that has all of the above, no cover, and is giving away all the free ecstasy you can consume while there. So of course, everyone lined up to get in is just waiting for someone to die to make room for one more.

    But you have survivability and damage on your side, while all the Grineer have is a limitless clown car of party-hungry freaks at all entrances dying to get in and have fun.

    Let's rock!

  2. Could've used Octavia… Inaros is basically impossible to kill until he starts getting oneshot while Octavia is literally impossible to kill, 99% of the enemies don't even attack when you're invisible. 0 mods Octavia, no weapons would do better than this entire build.

  3. I wouldn't listen to this guy personally what i do is simple testing my own shit to do my own shit in the order i want and tesring until im ready

  4. A lot of negative comments for someone just showing what is possible with low MR gear, I don't think most people are gonna rush the star-chart antMR-5 and then farm the mods listed here, but the point is to know what is possible. The video was informative and interesting, it doesn't have to be optimal or just say "cheese being invisible with Octavia the whole time"

  5. I'm rank 13 and this vid still helped me thanks brother

    I have 1,570 armor yet im getting killed by just a one Level 90 enemy 😅

  6. There’s still more than a few mods here that MR5 level player is not likely to have. Honestly, an MR5 player is still figuring out some aspects of the game and where things are located. They may be obtainable at MR5 but that is likely with the exception that the player has 10 years of knowledge as well. And that’s likely not the case.

  7. I think that there is a difference between being an MR 20+ or whatever player and playing with an "MR 5 loadout"' vs being an actual MR 5 player. I would second to others saying that when you are at MR 5, there are other things you should prioritize in the game – more sustainable in the long run. As for the choice of the wf- invest more time into the game, get revenant/revenant prime and survivability is no longer going to be an issue.

  8. I really think you need to start a new account to remember what it's like to start from nothing. As a closed beta player I have one sitting at MR 2 or 3 and I'm still in the Flawed mod stage. Endo is an absolute nightmare and I feel this guide is only plausible if you already have the mods. You are more likely going to be MR10 before you are realistically going to be able to come close to doing this and maybe even MR 15. Then you take in to account even if you started over you have the knowledge new players don't. You and I know what to do and where to farm things while they don't. I can't stand these kind of videos because they tend to be detached from the reality of a new player.

  9. I just got back into Warframe about a week ago [oh god help me] after a very long time away and your videos have been a fantastic help and refresher. I stopped at MR 13 so though I'm fairly familiar with the base concepts, you're so comprehensive with everything that it's filled some gaps I didn't know about. Thank you!

  10. I'm seeing so many Warframe videos now that I'm playing with the idea to get back into it. I stopped playing like 4 or 5 years ago tho and I have no idea what to do now. I have a couple of Warframes like Nidus, Limbo, Saryn Prime etc. but I'm just lost now… Do I need to gear up again, get new and better weapons, should I play through the story first or should I jump into the Duviri Paradox… I would really appreciate a "Returing Player Guide"!


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