Every hero change for Overwatch 2 beta 2.0 – including symmetra rework changes. 0:00 New DPS and Support Role Passives …


38 thoughts on “EVERY HERO CHANGE For OVERWATCH 2 BETA 2 0!”

  1. orisa changes look real good… but the sym mini rework looks crazy, look at that projectile speed on alt fire lol!!!! do you think these changes are good or bad?

  2. Wow… they just killed mercy… I swear to god if it stays like this.. F*** Overwatch. Her previous state heightened her skill cap, Now they completely cut it off

  3. Oh my god as a Mercy main let me say simply if those changes stay I'm DONE with the game. Pure done, I will never touch it again. They are 100% horrible and destroy her movement. Having crouch trigger a superjump was fine, leave the rest of her mobility alone.

    They want to fix Mercy? Fine, here's how:
    Step 1: combine her beams. Heal and damage boost together (reduce boost power if that feels too strong).
    Step 2: This frees up her secondary fire, have secondary fire shoot her blaster bolts out of the end of her staff so she can switch fluidly from healing to damage LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER HEALER CAN DO, without the idiotic and clunky as hell weapon switch (goes without saying her heal/boost beam turns off when she's firing, this is just about getting rid of the awkward weapon swap).
    Step 3: since her pistol is part of her kit and every skin, they'll want to keep it, so turn it into a flare gun. Have it shoot flares that behave like symmetra turrets, sticking to walls and ceilings or wherever, but they don't shoot, they serve as static guardian angel points that Mercy can setup and control her own movement without the luck of the draw of where her teammates happen to be. Make them destructable too, so there's counterplay and strategy in how you set them up.

    There, done, fixed.

  4. I'm so disappointed with the Mercy changes honestly. Maybe it's just something i need to get used to, but it felt like i had so much less control the second I got into a match. Not a good thing when the character's entire playstyle is based on flying from place to place quickly, like Mercy is.

  5. People who don't play Symmetra tend to give this change glowing reviews. For the people who do, she feels terrible now. They don't know the direction to take her.

  6. this game is trash guys ow 1.5 feels like it allready was , i guess only people who support this shit the way it is are people like stylosa who cant play any other game coz he trash !!!

  7. I think a lot of us would rather understand the delta between OW1 and this OW Beta 2. We’re just arriving and the difference is TBH, shocking to a lot of us. I think it would be cool to see a video from you about the transition and what it means. (Sorry if you already did this and I missed it.) This video is cool, but really just walks through the Beta 1 to 2 delta. This is find if you are curious about how the beta is progressing.

  8. For what ive seen playing the beta for a few games i feel like the dps passive is useless. A idea might be to give dps players a speed boost after they get a kill. This way they dont have the speed boost forever but it does make it easyer to make plays and get out.

    I havent been able to play tank yet but the role seems a lot more fun to play than on the live servers.

    I also feel like support is kinda boring rn, but that might be because they havent touched them yet. Also, Lucio is unable to wallride on Rome for some reason.

    I feel like the game changed more to a fps game instead of a tactical game. Its way more fast pase and i think they are doing a good job but still have a lot to tweak.


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