Every EXOTIC Kinetic Weapon RANKED by a Slightly Above Average Player…

This time, I’m ranking the kinetic exotic weapons because weapon videos do concerning well. I originally planned to do every exotic in one video but it would have taken three times as long.

This isn’t meant to be a definitive, super serious guide by any means, like any player my views on certain weapons will change over time. If I made this list a year ago it would be very different to my list now (and not just because of buffs/nerfs)

Hope this is useful/funny/entertaining/informative/eye-opening?/life-changing? 🙂


24 thoughts on “Every EXOTIC Kinetic Weapon RANKED by a Slightly Above Average Player…”

  1. Some notes about quicksilver. The grenades do insanely high damage vs any "construct" type object. Barricades, tether anchors, the sword of a well of radiance, oracles in VOG, stasis crystals, even a sentinel's bubble. I have a hunch that if quicksilver could hold anymore than 3 grenades, it could pop a bubble by itself. Cause with 3 it gets reeeeeally close.

    Also kills with the tangles created by quicksilver's perk count as kills for the gun itself. Which is a cool bit of new functionality for it.

  2. this is going to be a bit of a reddit moment but: Monte carlo (the name of the weapon) is named after the metropolis monte carlo theorem (a technique for statistical distribution) which is named after a casino in Monte Carlo (the place). I only say this because the exotic trait: Markov Chain is the dead giveaway – which is one one of the subtechniques used within Monte Carlo techniques.

  3. Cerberus+1 is not the least used exotic as that belongs to Queenbreaker and Salvation's Grip lol. As for damage it actually has high damage output with reverse damage falloff to 50 meters. Also it isn't random pattern. It's a rotating triangle around the center bullet. The weapon does shred PvE and actually is good in pvp. It's ttks are inconsistent but the weapon is consistent for its good performance and destruction of barricades and such

  4. The reason to use Wish Ender over Arb is, wish ender counts as 3 arrows hitting per shot aka 3x the amount of super from damage and 3x the amount of damage ticks for things like fusion nades/strand damage giving grenade back etc. Wish Ender is the best primary in the game for high end content and its not even close. One shots most red bars 3-4 shots elites and the super gen from shooting champs is unmatched. Also you can run a wave frame/blinding gl with it. If I haven't sold you yet, Witherhoard makes it do more damage so I'm sure you have a warlock running one on your team. Witherhoard turns things into taken and it does bonus damage to taken.

  5. So thing to note. While the wording on Cranial Spike doesnt state that it increases damage anymore it still does in PVE specifically but not in PVP. In your clips of Glassway there are multiple instances where you can see that the damage is clearly going up after each precision hit.


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