Every Devil in Chainsaw Man and Their Powers Explained! All Devils Breakdown | CSM / Chainsawman

Every Devil in Chainsaw Man and Their Powers Explained! All Devils Breakdown | CSM / Chainsawman

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Video by AxelBeats

Makima Thumbnail Art Credit: @dh_k__ on Twitter

“Rising Hope” by Mitchell Miller
#Chainsawman #Makima #Denji


47 thoughts on “Every Devil in Chainsaw Man and Their Powers Explained! All Devils Breakdown | CSM / Chainsawman”

  1. Please change the thumbnail, I’ve read the manga already but for the sake of anime onlys it’ll help. I only searched up chainsaw man in the search bar and your vid was the first on top

  2. The Skin Devil is obviously based on movies like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Under the Skin, or even The Thing. Basically, any horror movie that deal with shapeshifters. Hell, you can even throw They Live in there if you want to.

  3. Also I wonder if Devils that are socialite to common ideas or things could them be able to use the same techniques or powers even if not on the same level Ex Leech Devil able to manipulate blood or Blood Devil creating leeches to suck and store other's blood, how many Devils became a Fiend or Hybrid especially among the more stronger ones Ex Has the Blood Devil ever became a Hybrid, if someone knew what Devil hybrid was could they make a contact to become one and how many contracts does it that for a Devil to become strong enough to be seen as a threat level of A rank or Higher/Blacklist?


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