Everdome 'Inside the Company' Mini-series | Episode #3 – Travel to Mars

πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Settling Mars is the next chapter in mankind’s desire of exploration and expansion to the stars.

πŸš€ With the launch of the spacecraft from our base in Hatta – UAE, we want to make sure you have the most realistic metaverse experience. Traveling through the lower Earth orbit, Everdome Cycler will be making its maiden voyage to the Red Planet.

While our team continues to develop complex space rockets to shuttle humans to our colony on Mars we invite you to view another episode of inside the company to discover more details about our process of creation.


33 thoughts on “Everdome 'Inside the Company' Mini-series | Episode #3 – Travel to Mars”

  1. I really believe in this project and it feels like rob and team are working really hard behind this . Wil invest more in it . πŸ‘ Nothing can be said about the future just expecting this to be one of the big one

  2. Love it! Great conceptual work. I know there are hardware limitations currently but I hope you have top texture artists to add realism to objects and surfaces so everything doesn't look too sterile/clinical and ultimately fake. Keep up the great work. #BUILD

  3. Hmmm interesting concept, as a DOME and HERO holder i have only one concern among the others that stand out the most. I still cant see how normal people would enjoy this, because all these "activities" sounds promising….but in real world. But at the end of the day its a video game that you will be able to play in VR. Dont get me wrong, i am really a fan of this project but i sitll cannot see the value that would attract people to try this. I know i know… Its called "METAVERSE" and everyone will be able to do what ever they want etc. But still, people these days want to feel a lot of diffrent emotions. Will everdome provide some inside "games" that will make People want to play this over and over again because of these mentioned emotions? Because if its only: Look at this amazing view's that we created in metaverse and you can talk to each other there and buy some virtual land etc, and still, at the end of the day – to do what?

  4. Needs to be a campaign and multiplayer game that has a difficult ranking system so they can keep wanting to play this game I think MMOs games are a perfect example people keep playing the game for 10 years plus

  5. omg , I think this is the interesting project I have ever seen in Games / Metaverse / Internet.
    So much passion , so much details. I am speechless….!!!! GREAT WORK

  6. I am a Dome holder, I would hope most of the activity for game development is in the world development not so much in the crafts and being in space hundreds of days just to get to my plot on Mars in game. I was expecting more "Ready Player One" level game play, plugging in and being there not necessarily taking time to get to Mars. Love the project just hope the the team is applying resources were it counts most.


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