EVEN MORE Nexomon 3 Info! | Mobile, Demo, Old Nexomon, Next Trailer, Dual Types and More!

Once again special thanks to my boy Rafal for compiling this info!

Nexomon 3 Affinity Video:

Nexomon 3 google doc:

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Avatar: Bisloba

End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
Composer: https://www.youtube.com/c/DaviVasc
God Tier Patrons:
-Dro Ghost: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1VrzcYtdTwyB51D63E_3g
-Jim Hamilton
-Candy Morency

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#nexomon3 #nexomon #nexomonextinction #monstertaming #pokemon


32 thoughts on “EVEN MORE Nexomon 3 Info! | Mobile, Demo, Old Nexomon, Next Trailer, Dual Types and More!”

  1. I personally LOVE the switch to 3d. Nexomon 1/2's overworld characters always looked…bad to me personally. It had that cheap mobile game look that didn't at all give the right impression to how insanely polished the games were. The world looked amazing in extinction but the characters seemed out of place. Preferring 3d over 2d is fairly unpopular to say among hardcore pokemon fans but I think the mainstream audience gravitates heavily to 3d. Plus, the nexomon team always polishes the hell out of their games so if any one's going to make 3d look good, it's them.
    I look at Extinction as what pokemon could have turned into after gen 5.
    I'm kind of expecting nexomon 3 to be the same for scarlet/violet.
    ALSO THANK GOD NO MORE NORMAL TYPES. I've always seen them as basically useless. They've had some niche applications in both pokemon and nexomon but over all a normal typing has almost never helped a creature be more usable.

    TL;DR: I love the direction Nexomon 3 is headed, and I am perfectly okay waiting possibly years for a huge project like this.

  2. Oh yeah, baby, more info!
    I really hope at least the starters from Extinction will come back.

    Answered the form. I pray that Reptomotor will be in the game 🙏

  3. I kinda hope they change the battles from 1v1 to 2v2 or even 3v3 player. Not just to help set themselves apart from Pokemon but also cause there is more potential for strategy and interesting gameplay battles.

  4. Man Nexomon 3 keeps getting improvements! Hoping we can see more of the biomes in the open world as well as towns and new Nexomon would show up because Nexomon 3 has the potential to be an amazing game.

  5. If we can transfer our mons, customize our characters and are able to interact with the past MC’s along with their crews, I’m happy! I really want the Nexomon Extinction’s MC to have a relationship with his mom. It’ll be such a cool moment having them catch up from lost time, along with his other uncle and aunts, and Basil

  6. Im so pumped for Nexomon 3. Alittle sad that our Character from N2 will just be a side character, i would have loved to see our story be continued.

    But what if they continue it, by our new character in N3 being the Kid of the protagonist in N2??? Would definitely be interesting, imo.

  7. Ralph did a great job with these summary posts I’m super busy at work and can’t keep up with all the stuff that are happening in the discord so I really appreciate his work and your video Ed 😄

  8. I am super excited for this game as I remember playing micromon as a kid and now seeing a 3 game that looks really fun makes me so happy. My only hope is that they dial back the forth wall humor because in nexomon 2 coco and that fortune telling girl made me kinda put the game down for a long time just cause the story was really cool but my immersion kept getting broken by these characters.

  9. I’d be very surprised if they make a mobile version of this. I just assume with this big of leap and making it 3D, they’d need more than a phone to run it. I can definitely see a switch port for it though

  10. What I mostly noticed is that pixelated games are game that actually focus on adventure and Story while 3D games focus on Also adventure BUT there's additional to how it is. By adding "craft" system

  11. I hope they're able to make the open world feel alive and natural with lots of NPCs and environment objects because a lot of these open world games feel dead to me with barely any object nor movement in the surroundings. Pokémon Let's Go series though with flaws, did a great job of making the world feel real and natural in my opinion.


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