EVE Online – Machariel fast but L3s bad – Alpha Missions Part 18

Machariel does L3 missions fast but the income isn’t that great…

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Fit used:
[Machariel, *L3 potential]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Large Armor Repairer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II

Core B-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Tracking Computer II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
800mm Heavy ‘Scout’ Repeating Cannon I
Small Tractor Beam I

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Imperial Navy Infiltrator x5
Hornet II x5
Caldari Navy Vespa x5

Tracking Speed Script x3
Republic Fleet Fusion L x5000
Republic Fleet EMP L x5805
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L x5000
Optimal Range Script x6
Tracking Enhancer II x1

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15 thoughts on “EVE Online – Machariel fast but L3s bad – Alpha Missions Part 18”

  1. L3 as in lvl3 missions? A dps hac with just enough tank is by far the fastest, unless of course you spends billions. A BS is way to slow for lvl3's imo, unless it's a drone boat it usually needs to take out the small rats down as they come in, before they get to close. I used a Cerberus for both 3's and 4's was some of the fastest I tried beside marauders, also it's dmg type choice was awesome 🙂

  2. I really don't understand a Machariel for L3. It's expensive, big and slow to lock on all the small targets. A Navy Drake with passive tank and burst MWD is cheaper and might even be faster at completing.

  3. Personally i like doing L3 and L4 Missions. I did a lot of L3 in my passive Gila (basicly the T3 Abyss fit with good Skills) and i only lost a few drones but i did it with omega drone skills. Drones get targeted a lot and u have to stay close.
    I also trained into heavy rockets but i quite dont like to mess with the different ammunition despite having fun brawling with the drake.
    Next thing i want to do to reduce mess with ammo is i want to fly the harbinger with t2 heavy Pulse Laser (medium size) and 100MN compact (?) Afterburner. Dunno if its doable with alpha clone state to fit 100MN Afterburner and Guns capstable with some mins of Rep. Few Days and iam done.

  4. As others have said I'd recommend a battle-cruiser but also add the Cynabal and Phanstasm. Only other suggestion is maxing out Negotiations and the relevant connections skill.

  5. Bla bla bla guy runs X fit for lvl 3 missions and X fit isnt optimal "insert X fit is better then X fit trope". Guys it just a game you dont have to run the most optimal ship all the damn time. Thank god someone actually is running something that isnt gila for once.

  6. Back in the day I used to do L3 missions with the Gnosis… When I could acceptably fly Megathron, I started doing L4 missions.

    ***I've always been playing with Gallente Alpha clone and configuration: Hybrid Cannons + Drones + Active Armor. (Focused on SOE missions for the blueprints ^^')


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