EVE Online I EVE Fanfest 2022 – Day 1

After four incredibly long years, it is finally time to welcome you to our home in Reykjavik and another celebration of the EVE universe and community.
Catch up with all the news EVE Fanfest 2022: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/catch-up-with-fanfests-glorious-return

00:00:00 – Opening Ceremony
01:15:42 – EVE Online Keynote
03:43:00 How EVE Made Me an Internet Rocket Scientist – Scott Manley
04:27:59 Art of EVE: Into the 3rd Decade
05:36:21 Lessons Learned Leading an Alliance – Dunk Dinkle (player speaker)
06:30:10 CCP Games Games

EVE Fanfest 2022 program: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/eve-fanfest-2022-megablog

Start playing EVE for free at http://EVE.Online/Fly_Now

#eveonline #evefanfest #tweetfleet #scifi #mmo


22 thoughts on “EVE Online I EVE Fanfest 2022 – Day 1”

  1. I mean.,. Do you really need more ships to have fun? They release ships.. and then you need more ships, and more content, and more ships, and more content.
    Like it's never enough.

    These improvements will give massive boost to feel of the game. I mean… if you only play EVE to bang stuff, then I don't wonder.
    For me, the EVE, as a whole, has been, and will be amazing journey.
    You know… sometimes I love just capturing screenshots of sites and wormholes, planets.. sometimes I do ratting, sometimes indy stuff, sometimes this and that.
    But… essentially, you get burnt out, because you play it every day.

    Look, I play in sessions. One to two weeks of activity, then I back off for month, two. I don't resub automatically. I try to enjoy the game for what it is, and I'm actually glad they keep it alive.

    Those who are loudest just want too much. Times change. EVE is 19 years old. 19. YEARS.
    People in team change, internal politics as well. There is a lot of shit going on in the background you can't possibly see.
    It's more complicated than just releasing new stuff. Then there is time of relative stability, where you focus on improving already existing elements of game, which they do. And I'm glad they do. I really am.

  2. – Am i the only one who is really happy with this years key note? A total rewamp of the PVE sector.. a part of the game that has largely remained the same since i started playing the game in 08. And them finally looking at making FW more meaningful? A system thats largely remained the same since 2010-12ish and now only really cater for farmers… as a roleplayer and former Minmatar Militia (2013-2015), i actually find a more lived NPC world a good thing.

    – Also… i know they dont say it.. but "DUST! DUST! DUST! DUST! DUST! DUST! DUST!"

    – I really dont like the kill extension holograms though… but ships reacting to fitting is cool.

    – I do not like the ships materializing in and out of place that quick…. i'd rather have an animation of the pod being extracted and then zoom to another platform and insert… or just move camera to another ship. I feel there is lore implication if they can materialize ship ind and out so quick… i mean.. what does the none capsuleer crew do? 😛

    Done with day 1.

  3. "massive concentration of wealth"
    Yasn't. Ships costed little isk because there was a huge amount of resources. Even "space poor" people could afford a roaming bs (especially t1: half-free if insured, which a fun-roam ship that will most likely blow up be) or a capital/ super after couple weeks of saving.
    Scarcity made prices skyrocket, and increased bounty income (the "fix") only made inflation worse. More money competing for same amount of stuff = higher price.
    The on-grid links update and massive rorq over-buff to compensate was very profitable for both players (making billions daily per account) and for CCP (skill injectors, new alts), and it lasted for 2.5 years…. Look how stable player numbers were during that time (except blackout). Was it good for the game? Idk…. but people had fun.
    Recent rorqual-barge changes are good and the rorq is finally a mining fleet command/ utility ship instead of all-in-1 everything, including best miner. But removing minerals for half a year and adding a bunch of un-craftable items to bs/ capital ship blueprints was unnecessary. It forces (by design, I suppose) CCP to make manual adjustments to availability instead of free market taking care of everything. Manually steering the market has been tried irl… and 11 times out of 10 it doesn't work for long.


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