European Farmers Gone Wild! Farmers Protesting! Germany, Italy, And France!

Enough is enough my friends. No More Tyrannical Legislation! No more of World Economic Forum Goons at Davos trying to destroy our food security in the name of “Climate Change!” No more of this getting pushed around by our Federal Governments! I don’t know about y’all… But me personally, I’ve had enough! Tyrant World Government Takeovers, Tyrant Spy/Surveillance Technology, C40 Climate Cities/SMART/15 Minute Cities! I’m completely fed up, and I’m Never, Ever going to Comply with this insanity. Period.
I hope you and yours are doing well, doing as good as possible in these trying times at least. I’ve said it repeatedly, I never thought I’d see all of this come to pass, so quickly at that! Yet, I always felt like I knew it was coming. We could see it at the doorstep. Even years ago we could.

I should have a part 2 coming. As of now, it will be shorter. I’m still on the hunt for more of the new footage. Monday, January 29th of 2024, kicked off the new French Farmer Protests. They intend to Block ALL Ways Into Paris, And It’s Suburbs! That is hardcore there boys and girls. And at the same time, it’s only giving the citizens of Paris a small taste of what’s to come if they allow the World Economic Forum Plans and Green Agenda to take affect…

God Bless The Brave European Farmers. And God Bless The American Patriots Out There Rolling Deep In The Southern Border Convoys. I feel it’s a setup when referring to the southern border convoys and everything taking place here. 25 states and 25 states. Divided too perfectly in my opinion. Playing out oh so conveniently is how I’m feeling.

We all need to keep our eyes open at this point. Keep them peeled as they say. So much happening. And so quickly at that. I do not like this…

Civil War Movie comes out in April. April Has the big X eclipse over the USA. Disease X talks all around. Twitter is now called X. This year is Super Bowl 33 (if I’m hearing correctly). The entire world is in conflict basically. And basically, the entire world is protesting against their federal governments and legislation. We are really getting set up for that Antichrist to take the stage…
I Love You All
God Bless You All

Real Sees Real
Seek Truth, Destroy Lies
Free Men Don’t Ask
And Now With This Tyranny, We Definitely Won’t.
Phillip James-

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#farmers #farmer #farmerprotest #germany #italy #france #farmersgonewild #foodsecurity #foodsupply #supportfarmers #standwithfarmers #c40 #climatechange #climatecommunism #climatelockdowns #globalwarming #propaganda #lies #illuminaticardgame #worldstage #scriptedreality #NewWorldOrder #NWO #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #TheGreatReset #NovusOrdoSeclorum #OneWorldGovernment #USCollapse #EndOfUSA #AntiNewWorldOrder #AntiClimateLockdowns #ClimateChangeIsGeoengineering #NoC40Agenda #No15MinuteCities #NoSmartCities #dontgivein #dontbackdown #standyourground #worldwidemeltdown #crumblinginfrastructure #collapsing #collapse #jesusiscoming #christisreturning #spirituallyready #prayhard #nofear #sellgarmetsbuyasword #fullarmorofgod #SeekTruthDestroyLies #RealSeesReal #FreeMenDontAsk #DataDump #PhillipJames #PhillipJamesDoubleCensored


9 thoughts on “European Farmers Gone Wild! Farmers Protesting! Germany, Italy, And France!”

  1. Interesting – remembering who fomented the French Revolution – it is when they offer peace deals
    and solutions that things might just get more challenging – meantime – it's not looking great – but
    we press on – thanks for sharing.

  2. I love it! We The People are FED UP with these FREAKs @WEF who were not voted for, but want to narrate how the world goes. We The People took the tools-Internet that they wanted to control us and Turned it around. Information Warfare🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤ Keep up the Great work Phil


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