Eureka: Full Series Retrospective

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28 thoughts on “Eureka: Full Series Retrospective”

  1. It's remarkable that when I find your channel, see the "eureka episodes" video, and wish you had a eureka series retrospective video, the literal next day you come out with it. Talk about timing.

    I used to love this show back in the day and this is a fun nostalgia trip.

  2. We need something like Eureka back. We need to celebrate science but also laugh our asses off at it. Normalize the scientific procedure again. Show the general public that new discoveries come along and conpletely break the dogma of the time and its something to celebrate about. What we really need is a sequal to Eureka where they contadicts scientific facts from previous episodes but they have a party about it. Like debunk the 'we only use 10% of our brain thing'. Maybe also make an episode about how newtonian physics is bullshit but we still use it because it's convenient. I can already see Sherrif Carter fiddling with a device that plays with the principles of force but is based on quantum theories instead of newtonic ones. The shenanegans will be epic.

  3. Finally! Eureka will always be one of my favorites sci-fi tv shows. I enjoy how you take these shows that filled my teenage years, and made me the wierdo that I am today, and explain their quirkiness so well. Now, only Warehouse 13 is left.

  4. I was glad to hear your comparison to The Andy Griffith Show, as I've always made that comparison myself. You've got a common sense sheriff, also a single father, taking care of a town full of weird but lovable citizens…the smart house called Sarah was a sci-fi version of "Aunt Bea". I always hoped they would have an episode where Sarah the smart house tried and failed to make home made dill pickles as a subplot…that's an Andy Griffith Show reference if you didn't get it…

  5. I do not get the appeal of Asterion from the game. He seems like an aristocratic, annoying, and vapid flirt I never want to talk to. I would have killed him already but I don't want to miss a possibly interesting quest that must involve him. I'm in the third act now, and he will die before the end. He is not a bad boy vampire like in the TV shows that have them.


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