Escape to the Country Season 30 Episode 4: Cornwall (2023) | FULL EPISODE

Escape to the Country Season 30 Episode 4: Cornwall (2023) | FULL EPISODE

Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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4 thoughts on “Escape to the Country Season 30 Episode 4: Cornwall (2023) | FULL EPISODE”

  1. Loved house 1 – seemed to fit their needs. #2 wasn't my thing – not a fan of converted chapels myself, the layouts are often odd, but it wasn't horrible. Mystery was OK – just not sure there was enough storage or garden. #1 was my favorite.

  2. House #1 is outstanding! There isn't a single pokey room or bizarre space.
    House #2 Ok, I want it! Who do I have bribe, beg, or browbeat? Ok, I guess I'd have to rob a bank first. Lol!
    Mystery house – Love the view! Hate the house! It is too close to each other and too bland a design; boxy, square and dull!


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