ESA's New Ultimate Lunar Base!! 144 Astronauts Full Time!!

Forget four astronauts on the Moon full time! How about 144 astronauts? ESA has a Lunar Habitat Master Plan, and it’s amazing!!
#space #nasa #esa

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34 thoughts on “ESA's New Ultimate Lunar Base!! 144 Astronauts Full Time!!”

  1. O.K. Angry Astronaut team, if indeed you exist, here's another explanation of Lunar utilisation (ISRU) yes your European friends are closer to reality than NASA's timid postulations; 1) Yes the poles facilitate solar power 708 hours a day, and 2) near vacuum has advantages.. However ESA is also missing some important concepts:
    1) the first material Lunar resource to be used is regolith, from which we want to extract the iron aluminium, titanium and magnesium for use as refractory & aerospace metals leaving sand & glass depending how you cool and handle it – if you let it fracture into broken shards you can throw it in a roller/shifter that wears off the sharp edges leaving rounded sand than can be used as filling etc.
    2) Melting regolith is a quick fix for several logistical issues like landing pads and shield walls, but the first habitats need to be for our robots not humans, robot surveyors, robot excavators, robot labourers – – it be good if we developed complete robotic repair systems for the Lunar operation but the China issue means time is in short supply, so we will need some humans such as ESAs proposed 114 person concept to repair the robots during the first part of industrialisation.. The robotic habitats should be in vacuum with electrostatic doorways to mitigate dust while 'indoor'.
    3) Once we have working regolith processing, Lunar geologic surveying, and have better understanding of human 1/6th gravity survivability, Lunar cities would be viable – enclosures that are kilometres across inside of which are buildings, residences, gardens, etc. Such structures are impossible on Earth because of our atmosphere, but on the Moon, Mars and any near vacuum planetoid it is the easier option to allow the 1 bar pressure hold up the ceiling as well as tens of metres of regolith that provides physical & thermal protection for the bio-sphere below.

  2. I wonder how scalable astronaut training is, considering the ESA is currently training just 6 full-time astronauts at a time, and will then have less than 15 career astronauts spanning the 2008 & 2022 class. It does however give me hope that my dreams of becoming one will in the future be slightly more probable if they really intend on filling 100+ seats/jobs

  3. For those who don't know -250 celcius is -418 degrees Fahrenheit.

    It's gonna take some serious energy to keep any habitation from freezing over during the lunar night, which lasts 14 days…. the only way that people will be able to do anything is during the day when temperatures are 250 degrees Fahrenheit….. the moon base is going to have to be underground for sure.

  4. Hey AA ;•). The heating isn't that big a deal. Cooling the habs is gonna be much more energy consuming. Even with regolith cover, the heat has to be removed somehow. Without, it just needs some black outer walls in the shade. Thats also the easiest way to heat/cool a space station.

    Superconductors can operate in Moon craters without the huge cooling effort they need on Earth. The real fun can begin when Elon gets his Boring Company set up on the Moon.

  5. I'm glad you pointed out how much more dangerous the surface of the moon is then mars. It's not talked about much. Even the thin martian atmosphere protects the surface from the micro meteorites that constantly bombard the moon going faster than bullets.

  6. Hi. I hope all this projects go on and became reality one day. About it, I have a question: Is possible put eletromagnetic generators on each pole of the moon to create an artificial magnetic field to the entire moon? With the small nuclear reactors new technology, we have how to keep then working for years without replacements.

  7. We have the assets to go to the moon NOW. Using the Alpaca lander, the Dragon capsule, and I hate to say it but the sls, and we can be BACK ON THE MOON within the next year!!! If only the current admin would pull their head out of ass and LOOK at the current landscape.

  8. If the Chinese use the plan set out in Second Exodus Colony they WILL BEAT US to the moon. Hay western nations. Read this book and f**king learn. Leave politics and whining tantrums out of your decisions and get to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Question …. Why colonize the moon when it has no atmosphere is there a benefit to doing this project like mining or something of that nature?? If not it would be like climbing Mount Everest just because it's there with no real significance to speak of. I would be more in favor of taking this technology to Mars. Doesn't the red planet have a better colonization possibility ??

  10. Angry: Are you excited about the prospects of using the moon to produce solar energy and transmitting it back to earth (maybe with lasers or microwave). Lunar regolith could be used to produce solar panels. Solar panels could be made more cheaply since you need less structural strength (given low gravity & no wind). This would help earth solve its' global warning challenge & give any lunar base economic viability needed to sustain its long term existence.

  11. ESA doesn't even have a manned spaceflight capability….or even a HLLV (reusable or otherwise). The Big Three member states (France, Germany, and Italy) have consistently vetoed any such plans.
    These kinds of plans are useless, since they described feats totally outside ESA's capacities. Better to focus on raising support for ESA's short- and mid-term capabilities.

  12. thank you for this great episode. Great to see what innovative plans are being made .
    Unfortunately I’m also very skeptical about innovative ideas like that being done because Congress only seems to finance stuff where the politicians make their own profit from lobbying.
    I have another question to ask:
    You mentioned a couple of times how complicated and disastrous it would be, if the Chinese would beet the US to the moon and claim the soil around Shekelton crater for themselves. Do you have any idea whether from a juridical or legal point of view, one nation could claim ground on the moon by just setting an unmanned vehicle down there or do men or women actually have to set foot on the moon for that? I think that could be a crucial question in the next years coming up. What the hell should we(and I say we although I am a German) do about all of these fantastic ideas and Artemis, when the Chinese claim the whole Shekelton crater for themselves. I think that could even lead to severe economical and political stress down here on earth. I’m thinking about these things a lot. Watching the first two seasons of “For all Mankind” show the pretty authentic picture of what might be able to happen on the moon although in that case it was the Russians against the Americans.


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