Episode 932: Spooky

TTS $3/ Media $5
Music Intro: https://www.youtube.com/c/theHindleyStreetCountryClub

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14 thoughts on “Episode 932: Spooky”

  1. I think James read my comment saying to make a video demonstrating his martial arts skills or else he's a coward. I think what hit harder was that I mentioned I'm a red belt in taekwondo. His kata is so sloppy. I can tell he just looked up a random kata on YouTube and copy's what he's seeing.

  2. I'm not standing on a soap box here but let me borrow this milk crate

    We don't spank our kid but I'm not above it. The one thing my mom didn't do much of, was reason with us. She didn't have the patience or the time. I tell my kid the who, what, when, etc and so far our kid is really good. I'm also saving up spanking her for a really good reason, we haven't reached that point yet lol. My mom spanked all of us, shit one time she punched me in the head for doing a JRC3 style Tsung tsu dough kick in the wall. I kicked right through it LOL. I got my ass handed to me that day. I have the time and patience to ex shit to our kid so she gets it


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