Episode 7: Spiritual Formation & Eternal Souls (Discipling Your Children)

Welcome to Bright Hearth, a podcast devoted to recovering the lost arts of homemaking and the productive Christian household with Brian and Lexy Sauvé. In this episode, we discuss the spiritual formation of children, including catechesis, discipline, and more!

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2 thoughts on “Episode 7: Spiritual Formation & Eternal Souls (Discipling Your Children)”

  1. Thank you for your wisdom in this highly important area. I’m a father of a 10 month old right now and have our next one on the way. Soaking as much as I can to be a godly parent to these little ones. Writing for Las Vegas. God Bless.

  2. Refreshing to hear in an anti-discipline culture even amongst Christians. I’ve often been told by people who claim to be Christians that “spanking” or any form of biblical discipline is wrong and even in extreme cases called abusive. This “Grace based/gentle parenting trend” is scary and I appreciate your biblical approach to parenting children. Soli Deo Gloria


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