Episode 2077 Scott Adams: Masks Prove Science Ineffective, Newsom's Persuasion, CNN Mind Readers

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– Masks prove science is ineffective

– Government backed propaganda (media)

– Fake news from the AP about me

– CNN mind readers power up to take out Trump

– Biden’s EV mandate evaluated

– Newsom’s game

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32 thoughts on “Episode 2077 Scott Adams: Masks Prove Science Ineffective, Newsom's Persuasion, CNN Mind Readers”

  1. They put the warning on the side of the box of masks that it isn't for medical use. So that people wouldn't falsely believe that they would be protected from a virus. Then we went against a 100 years of science on masks to tell people that masks can protect you from a virus. Certainly cost lives by giving people a false sense of security.

  2. Common sense tells us wearing a mask isn't totally useless but clearly isn't too effective either. It probably gave people a 10% protection to not getting covid in some brief encounters.

  3. At the core of it the entire EV scam and green power agenda is just worldwide theft from the people by massive governments, representatives, corporations and elites. It serves the purposes of lining their pockets, reducing and keeping people in low or no socio economic status, limiting their movement and increasing outright dependance on big govt, big pharma etc. Creating outright slavery.

  4. We tried to tell you. Recommend you start following Dr John Campbell his report on the Japanese girl that died hours after getting third booster. Horrible😢

  5. The problem with government putting their boot on the market is they are picking the path. If no one can predict the economics of the future then why do we believe they can predict that EVs or other products are the correct market tool. This is why communism kills millions.

  6. The steelman argument that sometimes when the government intervenes the economy that only like your 2 examples in the history of time that were like Ah OK the spaceship and LED light bulbs those have no similarity to electric cars being pushed onto the road because the bottleneck is our energy policy which is totally f***

  7. I think religious spirituality is rising and will rise over the next decade. I'm not religious but I welcome it. It's pretty clear to me now more than ever that it's a critical component of a just society. The problem is a lot of religious institutions have become diseased by identity politics. About as anti-Christian as you can get.

  8. Are you forgetting about the American laboratory when it comes to masks? We had states and sometimes counties that had mask mandates and without. The infection rates, I believe, were the same. That's science.

  9. Dude, apparently you have not researched the EV industry. EV's are a total environmental nightmare. Each battery requires moving 180,000 metric tons of earth. The electric grid is weak now, consider what will happen when 270 million internal combustion vehicles are switched to electric.

  10. WOW! You are so fucking wrong on government intervention in the economy. I don't know where to start. It's always been bad. Going to the moon wasn't a government intervention into the free market, it was a stated national goal. Like defense. The Army buying 10,000 desks is not government interference in the market. Everything else you mentioned got us less, slower and was an attack on the individual will of citizens.

  11. The best way to get the supply chain back to the US is LESS GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION. Not more. The reason we don't make that stuff here is out of control regulations. That's it. Get rid of those and those products will be made here.

  12. I saw a study that showed that omicron's virulence was so high that masks were ineffective. That did not mean that masks do nothing but it does mean masks were pointless. This study had a valid comparison unmasked group. Given the infinitesimally small infection fatality ratio, Scott's proposed test to measure deaths is just pointless.

  13. I hate the world tonight

    Shelly said that I was wrong but I was right

    Tried to tell you but you seem to think that

    Maybe I said something incorrect

    I say you project

    Don't hallucinate

    If you think I'm wrong I'll just equivocate

    I can understand how you'd be so confused

    I don't envy you

    I'm a prophet and an oracle of perfect persuasion

    You're a bitch, you're a cunt

    You're cognitive dissonant

    You're a nasty human stain

    And you should be ashamed

    You're a total narcissist

    You fucking piece of shit

    And so you'd better shut up

    Go the hell away

    Don't you know who I am?

    This may mean you'll have to try to understand

    Rest assured that when you think I contradict

    Half the things that I predict

    Tomorrow they will change, yesterday's won't mean a thing

    You're a bitch, you're a cunt

    You're a mental midget runt

    You're disgusting, you're insane

    And you should be ashamed

    I'm a master hypnotist

    You fucking piece of shit

    And now you’re banned so you should go the hell away

    Just when you think you got me figured out

    My reasons already changing

    You should die and I'll tell you why

    Don't comment at me

    You're a bitch, you're a cunt

    You're a sick and evil front

    You're so stupid, you're so vain

    And you should be ashamed

    I'm a master hypnotist

    And you're a narcissist

    So shut the fuck up Shelly

    Go the hell away

    I’m a seer, I’m the law

    I’m perfect without a flaw

    The best thing that ever happened

    To you bitch you’re probably fat and

    I got you hypnotized

    Can’t say I ever lied

    You know I’m always right in every single way

    not my work, it's The Best Thing That Ever Happened by John Bradley, on Soundcloud, lyrics by Vox Day

  14. I’ve been calling the left bullies for last 4 years… cause they are attempting to bully individuals & companies on speech, gender, equity, 2nd A, etc..


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