Epiphany Sermon 2024: A Light Upon the East.

A light upon the East may soon lead many to the Messiah and His Church.


26 thoughts on “Epiphany Sermon 2024: A Light Upon the East.”

  1. Good morning Fr. Nix. Thank you for all that you do for Holy Mother Church. With a humble heart, I offer a filial correction. Please, stop conflating “Our Lady of Good Success” for Our Lady of The Good Event; the Purification of Mary. This mistranslation causes confusion and distracts us from the significance of Mary’s purification. Thank you for your kind consideration. Peace and joy always.

  2. Thank you, Father! Blessed feast day! Epiphany was always so special to my family because it was also my grandmother’s birthday. So we would always gather at her house for our second little Christmas celebration. My grandmother was born in Sicily in 1907 and would be 117 years old today! Sadly we lost her in 2001. Please say a prayer for her. My grandmother’s name was also Rosaria, named for Our Lady of the Rosary, and was the holiest woman I ever knew. She passed her faith to me, and for that I will always be grateful. I miss her very much. Thank you and may God bless you, Father.

  3. Father, is there anyway you could make CD's out of your talks? Specially VLX. I know I would buy them and give them away for gifts. God knows how long they are going to be in the internet. Just a thought. Blessings 🙏 and thank you for all you do for us ❤

  4. I can only imagine myself approaching my great grandmother (RIP) and telling her, abuelita some day the pope will bless men living together and practicing sodomy. I would have been slapped in the mouth and told, should I ever slander El Santo Padre like that again may lightning strike me and tear me apart, and yet here we are today.

  5. I have Peace with the Epiphany – really it's my 2024 Epiphany Gift from the LORD after many years of very intensive sufferings, rejections, prayers – daily Eucharist & at least weekly Confession that Bergoglio is not the Pope. Priests & hierarchs rely on miraculous phenomenon because of the problem of clericalism that's a never-ending hierarchical chain of oppression. They want to be complacent and comfortable rather than have integrity, backbone and good Catholic conscience. Wake up, Fr David. It doesn't need to be so prolonged to get that Pope that we need which first requires addressing the elephant in the room – Bergoglio is a heretic & apostate and I think you know that.

  6. I also believe 2030 is the crucial year. I believe the 100 years of Satan‘s reign began in 1930 with the Lambeth conference, and that it will come to an end in 2030. I believe after that the unity of all Christians will occur.


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