Epic Fantasy Music for Reading – Viking Ambient

Book for this ambient: Joe Abercrombie – The Heros
“The truth is like salt. Men want to taste a little, but too much makes everyone sick.”

Dark Fantasy and Gothic Ambient [Oppressive Atmosphere]

“Look. You think how stupid people are most of the time. Old men drink. Women at a village fair. Boys throwing stones at birds. Life. The foolishness and the vanity, the selfishness and the waste. The pettiness, the silliness. You think in war it must be different. Must be better. With death around the corner, men united against hardship, the cunning of the enemy, people must think harder, faster, be…better. Be heroic. Only it’s just the same. In fact do you know, because of all that pressure, and worry, and fear, it’s worse. There aren’t many men who think clearest when the stakes are highest. So people are even stupider in war than the rest of the time. Thinking about how they’ll dodge the blame, or grab the glory, or save their skins, rather than about what will actually work. There’s no job that forgives stupidity more than soldiering. No job that encourages it more.”

Video by David Foxx

Music by
Ean Grimm
Alexander Nakarada
Makai Symphony
Alexander Hoff

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