Ep. 1826 John Brandenburg: Life and Death on Mars

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: John Brandenburg is with us to talk about his research with Life on Mars… the past, present and future.

John E. Brandenburg is a theoretical plasma physicist who was born in Rochester Minnesota, and grew up in Medford Oregon. He obtained his BA in Physics, with a Mathematics minor, from Southern Oregon University in 1975 and obtained his MS in 1977 and PhD in Plasma Physics both from University of California at Davis in 1981. He presently is working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC and a part-time instructor of Astronomy, Physics and Mathematics at Madison College and other learning institutions in Madison Wisconsin. Before this, he worked at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin, as Senior Propulsion Scientist, working on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion. He is the principle inventor of the MET (Microwave Electro-Thermal) plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion. He has previously worked on SDI, the Clementine Mission to the Moon, Rocket Plume-Regolith Interactions on the Moon and Mars, Vortex theory of Rocket engine design, combined Sakharov-Kaluza-Klein theory of Field Unification for purposes of space propulsion and Mars science.

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30 thoughts on “Ep. 1826 John Brandenburg: Life and Death on Mars”

  1. Here's a thought about the big bang and acceleration theory.

    First, look at a high gauss (n42 +) neodymium magnet underneath a lighted ferrocell. The 3D holographic spiral looking toroid is probably what the universe looks like. If the milky way is a point on one of the spiral strands, depending on where you are on that trajectory of the spiral would give you the perception that things are accelerating. The big bang is non-existent as this is a looping cyclical process.

  2. It's a very interesting hypothesis. Unfortunately, the concept of thermonuclear weapons the size of the Empire State building is completely outrageous. If any such "cosmic war event" ever occurred in our solar system it was likely plasma based, and it could in fact be the natural phenomenon of electric discharge. It's a plasma universe and Brandenburg should come to terms with that.

    @15mins That's actually disturbing. So we ARE targeting these vehicles.

  3. I was born and raised mostly in Midland, MI the home of Dow Chemical and Dow Corning. My dad worked at Chemical and me at Corning. You just know so many who work at those places. Hank Dow was a friend of mine and classmate.

  4. Just wanted to say, I'm back after 3 years away because you removed the 30 minute introduction and commercials at the beginning. Thank you for removing the long introduction.

  5. Brandenburg ought to go over to Thunderbolt Project. They are all scientists exploring the evidence of plasma discharges between Earth Mars and Venus scarring Mars and siphoning off massive amounts of surface on one hemisphere. And explains the Ragnarok bridge traveled by the gods.

  6. Still feels like we should be separating what we are talking about …
    Craft that CAN be shot down and craft that CAN'T be shot down!
    Two different situations!!πŸ’’

  7. This is one of the most intriguing interviews that I have had the opportunity to listen to for quite some time now, for the topic covered would most definitely be a cosmic game changer in regards to life and vanished civilizations in our solar system.


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