EP 121 – Exploring Mormon Miracles, Kirtland Temple Purchase Controversy, and More! with Summr Rayn

**June 23, 2024**
Greetings, brothers and sisters! Welcome to MormonNewsRoundup EP 121, hosted by Dives, talent on loan from Kolob. Join us as we delve into the latest events in Mormondom, including:

– Elder McKay on the Kirtland Temple purchase
– Temples and poverty controversy
– Church’s influence in small towns
– LDS Prison Ministry
– Scotland ward closure
– Latest poll on Trump and Biden in Utah
– Celebrating Lloyd D. Newell’s legacy

Special guest Summr shares their 1-minute LDS story!

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🎵 Music by Weird Alma on Bandcamp

Always think celestial. Remember, no unhallowed hand can stop this podcast from progressing!

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11 thoughts on “EP 121 – Exploring Mormon Miracles, Kirtland Temple Purchase Controversy, and More! with Summr Rayn”

  1. We spend that much money on it because the saviour was there He suffered on the cross for us and He means so much to us andto is worth it to us the Latterday saints gave several billion dollars in just the last year on humanitarian aid and charities all around the world there are many Joseph Smith papers volumes of other visions and reverlations Joseph had what you are saying is all lies i have a book to prove it its called THE SAVIOUR IN KIRTLAND by karl Ricks Anderson you can order it by phone from the Desseret book store in SALTLAKE City and they will post it to you i have had the book for years it has 2012 on it why we didnt speak of these visitations sooner is because people like you wouldnt believe and mock them The bible sais God is not mocked they are very sacred please show respect this life is just a speck of time compared to the eternities and we know Joseph Smith is Prophet

  2. Church of Christ didn’t teach about Jesus coming to the temple. Because no one spoke of it happening until after JS was dead and saints went to UT. 16-18 yrs after it was to have happened. Oh you just said this. Lol

  3. "There is absolutely no 'unbroken' religion working as a vital force, which is not compelled at some point to demand the credo non quod, sed credo quia absurdum – the 'sacrifice of the intellect.'"( Weber).
    This explains how a roomful of LDS historians can , without objection, swallow whole a faith narrative.

  4. Thank you for the great cohost and insights.

    1. Maui only has 160,000 population.

    2. There around 220 Catholic Cathedrals in the USA, one for each 1.5 million of all faiths and no faiths.
    a) All are welcomed in Catholic cathedrals and churches. In reality, there's no way of knowing, who's who.

    3. There are ten times more Catholics than Mormons in the USA.

    4. Maui population warrants a 10% Catholic cathedral.

    5. Therefore, Maui's population warrants a 1% Mormon temple.

    6. Catholic cathedrals are located in cities' downtowns.
    a) They are not in suburbs.
    b) As the population moved to the sururbs, even regular churches were less grand.
    c) In all Christian denominations, the churches are all purpose, no need for a special secret place.

    7. I doubt too many other Hawaii residents would incur the cost to fly to Maui.

    8. Mainstream Protesant denominations don't need these
    grandiose structures.. I'm not talking about cult mega churches.

    9. A Mormon temple would look gross on Maui.

  5. What you guys are saying is so untrue that anyone with half a brain knows who your master is. He will guide you 'safely' into hell where there's no way back. Wake up, repent now while there's still time, and shake off the evil spirits that infest you. You are all marked for a place where no human should go where there is no light but darkness, pain and disappointment. Forever! I hope you will take this warning seriously, before it's too late.

  6. This site meant so very little to the Church of Christ, and they have no other way to raise funding than to sell such sites that should have belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all along. Now the site will finally have believers tell their story instead of non-believers. It is so refreshing to finally have these in the hands of The Church. I am so excited about this and can't wait return there. I feel so bad for those of you who have lost your faith and seek to criticize instead of to to better understand our sacred religious past.

  7. I am in my early 60s and retired at 53. Lots of people gave me pushback because they had difficulty grasping the concept of not working if you don’t have to. I looked at my life as stages. I earned everything I have now through a lot of hard work, but I owe it to myself to “stop and smell the roses” in my final stage of life. In my case I left the country after I retired and live in Latin America. It allowed me to get away from all the negative things happening in America while appreciating my new environment. I have yet to meet anyone who regrets retirement.


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