Envy will destroy your life; Strive for eternal life in Heaven

Homily of Fr. Michael O’Connor from Mass on November 14, 2023 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS

Referenced Readings:
Wisdom 2:23–3:9
Luke 17:7-10

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9 thoughts on “Envy will destroy your life; Strive for eternal life in Heaven”

  1. If u saw God, u would want eternal life with Him. Pray for an experience of Him in your life and He will give u the grace to love and desire Him….if u ask and truley want it….praying for you!

  2. Also, Father your homilies are spot on, love listening. Especially how u put things, like "I went to church, you owe me" I know I've thought that way in the past. Thank you for leading your flock to the truth.

  3. It’s ironic that angels are extremely happy beings. However, if they could envy us mortals in any one thing, it would be that we receive Jesus in Holy Communion and they can’t. If only we ALL would appreciate that.


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