Entitled Father ATTACKS ME cuz I LAUGH DURING A MOVIE & Destroys my Phone – Reddit Podcast

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▶ CREAM OF THE STREAM – Copyright FREE Music to use for Streaming:

0:00 An Entitled Father attacks me and my friend, and destroys my phone because we laughed during a terrible horror movie. (u/Valkier_Kato)
7:22 An Entitled Karen goes nuts and blames me for her kid wandering in the street, nearly getting hit by cars in the process. (u/ulfr)
11:28 An Entitled Principal steals a family heirloom, breaks it, and then gets sued for destruction of property. (u/Lucky_Solution7999)
14:32 My best friend told my boyfriend that she has dreams of kissing him, and I am SUPER upset that shew would even tell him that. (u/glamourize)
18:01 My family is already being overdramatic in preparation for the thanksgiving weekend, and I don’t know what to do. (u/LunaNova5726)

🟢 Am I the Jerk PODCAST on Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/0uEkxvRMpxLuuHeyPVVioF?si=e7747b597e564c11
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35 thoughts on “Entitled Father ATTACKS ME cuz I LAUGH DURING A MOVIE & Destroys my Phone – Reddit Podcast”

  1. I swear the only reason Assholes took up Childcare services is to be a Big Fucking Bully worst of all iwas a Victim myself Back in My 5thGrade days There was this mean bitch of A Teach who bullied Poor Students for Fun Because They Couldn't Pay their Schoolfees in time i was one of them She Forced all of us Poor Kids to Eat like a Dog during Lunch i had In enough so i Stood up Pickup my plate Walked to a Table and Eat my lunch ano sooner Then later that BitchTeacher Took my Food Toss it on the floor and Stomps it I went mad and Punch That bitch in the Face
    Evilteach: How dare you!!!
    Me: oh yeah well how dare you Abuse your Rank
    Evilteach: so what if i did Lil puppy what'chu gona do Dogo?
    Me: You are so dead bitch…..
    So i went Beserk and Smash her in the Face kicked her in the Bergina and Lastly i Choped her Neck
    Evilteach: How dare you…..
    Me: Do i looked lik i give a Fuck?
    Everyone Was Shocked but Happy at the Same time
    And i got Honoured as the School's Hero

  2. All that over a punk ass movie ticket smh. Honestly if that was me and a friend of mine at that age, that guy would've got jumped. It's one thing to get upset with someone and let them know that they're being obnoxious and disruptive and it's another to feel like you have the right to then put your hands on them and destroy their property over it.

    OP should've honestly just let their friend hit the guy back since it was self-defense and they had plenty of witnesses that saw the initial harassment and assault. It's one thing to let verbal disrespect slide but you should never let someone else put their hands on you without responding in kind unless you're dangerously outnumbered or outmatched, which at that point you're basically in your legal rights to use deadly force 🔫 if they won't let you leave and you fear that they're going to kill you or cause you great bodily harm.

  3. First story, I would have sued the pigs, and possibly the movie theater. I also would have reported the police to the mayor or the DA for dereliction of duty. He committed aggravated assault, theft, and destruction of private property.

  4. 3, I would talk. It's about throwing the school, but promising to stop the charges. Only if the. Terms are met.
    1. The stupid teacher that. Stole the whistle will be fired.
    2 The incident regarding the whistle. We'll be put on his record. So that he could not get a job anywhere in the school district in the area.
    3. Believe me when I say this. If any of the terms are ignored or spat on, Let's just say the principal's job should have gone for the head.

  5. Story 2 : If i was in that situation I'd just mention calling child services and see what they would think about the incident and who is at fault if she didn't leave me alone. I've done it once before and the Karen quickly shut her mouth and went about her business with her daughter.

  6. I would have slapped the guy back from the first story due to the number of witnesses present. Like how stupid are you to assault someone and destroy their property? You should sue the man and file a complaint to the police about how they just let the guy go. Einstein wasn't lying when he said human stupidity is infinite.

  7. That cop in the first story needs to get his badge removed. We don’t know where his line is, for all we know he would let a murderer get away. That old man should be put in jail and that cop should never have become a cop.

  8. That's another example of why you rely on the police for anything. If I was there, I would have stabbed him after the first slap. People like him act like that, because they are not used to being directly stood up to. F him and whatever authority he think he has. He's just another bully in society, farther proving how worthless police & gods are.

  9. 1st story, i don't care if i get un troubles but if i see some old guy doing that, for sure i will start to beat his a*s right there and then and left him into a pulp so bad it will remember it all his life.

  10. The result of that first story is so unacceptable. The cop that let that psycho go shouldn't hold a badge after that incident. And that old man had a lot of nerve. Slap me, and I'll slap you right back.

  11. Always punch for the balls/groin if someone assaults you, you just don't let them keep assaulting you or destroying your stuff, jeez and if that does work for you, wtf didn't you sue anybody??? Are you moronic or something, you either fight back or sue, you don't lie down and take it!


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