Enough Is Enough, Something Needs To Be Done About NASCAR's Short Track Package | Dale Jr. Download

After the NASCAR Cup Series race at Martinsville, the mood surrounding short-track racing seemed to be dire.

Dale Jr. is frustrated. Why?
– He can’t stand it when anyone talks about a short track losing a date
– He’s “burned out” on listening to the complaints – not because they are wrong, but because he has been saying the same thing for at least a year.

When will something change with the NextGen short-track package? How do we fight to improve the sport that we love?

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47 thoughts on “Enough Is Enough, Something Needs To Be Done About NASCAR's Short Track Package | Dale Jr. Download”

  1. I believe Dale hit it on the nail. I wish there was another tire manufacturer again. I know people will be pushed back on another tire manufacturer. Nascar is trying to control
    i think thats a awesome decision we all know why. Smaller teams with smaller budgets.

    We will continue losing fans of something doesn't change.

    Dale should be staying where he is at. Team owner, father,husband, and content provider.

  2. Take off the tapered spacers, take off the spoilers and the aero diffusers and splitters. Stop scheduling cautions and stop resetting points. That is literally all NASCAR has to do and they refuse to do it. They are doing the sunk cost fallacy and they can't print the tarps fast enough to cover the unsold seats.

  3. I watched NASCAR since the 1960's. I payed big money to go to races. But sometime in 2010's, I started loosing interest in the whole deal. By the 2020's, I have given up on NASCAR all together. The "playoffs" suck. The heats within a race suck. Car designs suck. NASCAR needs to go back to the old school format. True "stock" cars turned into racecars, drop the flag and let 'em run. I know my view will not be popular, but I challenge folk to watch old school races and not be entertained!

  4. Man I wish the manufacturers made cars like they use to do NASCAR could use cars like we can buy 70s through 90s were the Golden years you see Dale Sr and Bill Elliott going at it and Bill pulls in the pits and pit crew takes cutting torch and cuts part of his exhaust off and he's gone. That down and dirty grittiness is what's missing. Everything is million dollar this and millions on that, a small town country boy that can drive his f ing ass off like myself has zero chance of making it. So why even bother watching it? We can't relate to these silver spooners driving can't relate to the cars. NASCAR has left it's fans we didn't leave NASCAR

  5. The best thing that NASCAR could do is to put Dale at the head of the board. It would bring back such a big part of the fan base that we lost from the 90s and early 2000s but at least we would start making some better decisions about some of this crap that’s killing the sport. 2 million viewers for Martinsville, one of the best tracks of the season. And we all know these tracks make their money from the races.

  6. Give the cars 800 hp and that'll fix it! The cream will rise to the top! Didnt mean to interupt your classic youtube videos Jr! Thank you for the autograph at N.Wilkesboro for Racetrack Revival!

  7. One common problem thing I saw and I it's sick tired seeing that the next gen body had a way more bulky bigger to racing in short ovals maybe that a problem too. Also it's need be put more lighteier racecar with more Horsepower. As fan from Philippines and being fan this sport for over 20 years and now I've been truly tired this stupid things happened in nascar since they'd implement the stage racing, playoffs and too much rules those them its so much sucks. Tbh!

  8. give it back to the teams and make the cars as they are factory, Kinda simple. I understand keeping them even. but not the same Templet with just wraps they are all the same. just look different! Lipstick on a pig Is still a Pig!

  9. How many teams still have the gen cars before the current cars? Ask this cuz can we make them nascars short track cars. Throw back short track racing. I think it would fix the problem and viewership would go out the roof. Sounds like fun to me! Just saying?

  10. Nobody gets it, in the Nascar World. Nascar messed up long ago. They are reaping what they sewed. I am of the opinion that they are so far off the mark, that it will take an entire new car, and an entire new approach to bring back the crowd. They were faced with the choice of embracing their heritage or adopting a new corporate path. They chose the latter, unto there was no benefit other than a pie in the sky prospect of turning general sports fans into racing fans. To some extent, they succeeded. They got all kinds of dipshits that love watching a train wreck, or WCW tuning in. Yet, in traditional boomer fashion, they exploited the value of everything they had, unto the point that it is unaffordable to attend a race, and unto no benefit to spend that money, because attending a spec racing series of motorized billboards playing crash up derby, by pay to win, snot nosed drivers with bad attitudes is border line unwatchable, and does not resemble anything that can be considered "racing". They ruined Atlanta. Daytona and Talladega are a complete disaster, I don't care what nobody says. That isn't racing. To my point and to end. I would love for someone to point out to me WHO is racing at superspeedways? Is it the driver? Is it the mechanics? The aero team? The engine builders? Who? Every single one of those folks hands are tied to rule packages that stifle innovation and prevent advantages. Nascar has become a spec series. It is the culmination of a socialist ideology applied to motorsports. Everyone, and everything is equal, with equal everything as long as you paid your tithes and the product sucks. Which now includes every track, including the short ones.

  11. "It's gonna cost you a million bucks to build smaller wheels. Do you wanna do that?"

    Where can I contribute?

    I really don't like the Bristol tires being the answer. They can and should actually fix it. The big wheels are a huge problem.

  12. Nascar lost their way when they gave up tradition, in lieu of drama. The majority of the instant gratification generations that they pursued have attention span deficit.
    The original COT, and stage racing, were by far their biggest mistakes 😕

  13. NASCAR is not trying to make racing better. They're trying to make racing less expensive. They've been doing this for the past five years, and the racing has continually gotten worse at all of the tracks, but especially the small and intermediate tracks.

  14. Nascar can't or won't stick their fingers in their ass. It's ez to add power and stick grooved tires on. Use rain tires. Look how good the race was at Bristol.

  15. At Bristol the tires that lasted 40 laps is what made that race good. I agree that tires that actually wear out before a fuel run is a great first step, even at intermediates. When all the cars are going the same speed tire wear has to be difference maker. I do think bringing back 8-900 hp engines that rev to 9000rpm would be the best change. I have hated the way the cars sound since the start of the next gen car.

  16. Try removing the stages for short track also give the teams two tire options soft and hard but limit the quantity of tires so one team might chance all soft or a mix of both but limit them to x amount. To lower the brake force hand each team a valve spacer set to a specific diameter. Go one better and make them run with no belly pans under the car,shorten and set the rear spoiler there you go cheap and easy and great drivers will rise to the top

  17. The tires are only the main problem due to the low horsepower these cars run with. If the cars were unrestricted, as they should be (outside of Superspeedways), then tire degradation would be higher. The tire needs to be fixed, and the aero adjustments should just go away entirely at the short tracks, but those issues are secondary to the lack of speed. Slow speeds are the main culprit.

  18. Look, this happens in every sport once it becomes "efficient". Efficiency and precision drive perfotmance toward those who already have it. How do you fix this? Change the rules. Every year. Every short track race it you have to. Insert chaos. Force the big boys to constantly adjust, and this makes room for the Little Guy.

  19. Where does this old man start? 1) raise the horsepower and curtail the aero BS. 2) Get better drivers that worked their way up from local tracks that are men and not rich little girlie boys. 3) Do away with the pit timer and allow them to repair their cars. I watched a race from 1979 where the Junior Johnson #11, with Cale Yarbough, changed their engine during the race and was passing the leaders near the end. Do away with all the chase playoff gimmicks and heats. 4) use the 70's racing formula with the slingshot pass to bring back the excitement. These races have become a bore fest until the green, white checkered and race back to the start-finish during a caution. I watch highlights and they are becoming rare to find any, when I used to watch the whole race. I wouldn't walk across the street to watch this crap when I used to drive 200 miles to watch Mark Martin win in Michigan.


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