Emeka Ike’s wife Suzanne finally speaks up: ‘He beat me until I was paralyzed’

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49 thoughts on “Emeka Ike’s wife Suzanne finally speaks up: ‘He beat me until I was paralyzed’”

  1. Proverbs 19:14 says "House and Riches are inheritance from the fathers. And a prudent wife comes from the Lord". I always say, a wicked person is a wicked person. Because demons are not gender biased. Wicked people are possessed with demons to perpetuate wickedness. So a narcissist can be a woman or man. Some men are also suffering in their marriages for marrying a narcissistic partner, and vice versa. Because any narcissist can do evil. It is up to you to seek Jesus Chris and pray to God for a good partner, or else, you will fall into the tactics and web of the narcissists who are possessed with demons and evil spirit. Both Emeka and his ex-wife speak softly and have same communication skills, it is hard to determine the truth. So please, Don't Judge. But GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST TO SAVE YOU FROM ALL EVILS!!SHALOM

  2. Most of these stories are lies, how can u buried ur mother alone without family when u are the last born, it is not done in Nigeria, unless are the last remaining child or ur older one's weren't in the country and weren't doing well, so they couldn't come. How can children not attend their mother burial because of one in-law. (Traditionally it is not done) That's a lie from the pit of hell.

  3. All that u have said is true 👍 I once again say sorry for not 1st hearing from ur own side of the story. U are a powerful lady. U really went through a lot 😕 I have seen such people b4😢. The good God will comfort u and ur kids. Forget about him 4ever and move on with ur life. ❤

  4. 😢😢I can only imagine her pain. Hearing her narrate all this with so much poise… God please truly heal her from every pain, every tear, every heartache and worry. Kudos to this strong, extremely beautiful and intelligent woman❤

  5. Maybe most of this pastors should listen to the stories before trying to reconcile any couple if they don’t want God to visit them with the pains people face in marriage after forcefully reconciling them

  6. Man definitely has an issue with anger and frustration, there are plenty domestic issues here that includes in-law issues too (I hear his mother, my mother). It's complicated. Every family has their own and it's how you manage it that matters. This has been badly managed. When two people fall out, both contribute in some ways to it and if both are sensible and willing they can contribute to solutions. In this case, the violence makes this against the man heavily regardless of whatever madam may have contributed. So, hopefully they find a way but it's in public now which is not good. Good luck to them and their children.

  7. So fun, how you people are so interested in other people's lives. Is a pity that you guys cannot longer together. You guys should move on with your life and stop explaining to us here in social media when it was good for both did enjoyed it without us knowing now it's bad you guys should keep quiet.

  8. I'm surprised by the way i see women supporting this evil from this evil woman just because, she's a woman with them, I always said this women are evil by nature, open all what emeka has done to him, what they want is to be sleeping with Big Men all over the world, in fact I'm seriously tired of women 🙄🙄

  9. This is only one side of the story .
    So Please lets not judge them. Mr EMEKA also has the right to say his side of the story, particularly the ones PERTAINING to the examples of beating ,mistreating her, etc

  10. Sorry but why would she tell all about his life? This is a nasty divorce! No respect whatsoever for the father of her kids! No matter the problem, if you feel the marriage is wrong take your leave quietly no need to go to the media and sell your tell all story! Let the man voice whatsoever keep your ears closed and move on! This interview is just wrong! And the kids talking bad of their Dad even worst!

  11. I was once in a relationship with a guy who behaves this way, God really saves me from that guy o cos if I had ended up with him, it would have been so disastrous for me. When he's your first and you decide to stock with him thinking he loves you.

    Thank God you're out

  12. This woman is lying. But it’s just a pity that women are always right when it comes to relationship. My question is how many men are bold enough to speak of being traumatized by their wives? If really you had a proof and evidence of abuse . He wouldn’t be walking freely. What happened to the medical reports from the hospitals you visited… it takes a lot of balls for a man to come out openly with his marital problem, because the man is the head. Men feel crying in public is for only women.

  13. What she’s saying is all scripted!😂 if this is her tone while talking to her husband nothing like abuse can ever happen but to me she’s a lion ooo . This woman is strong enough that Emeka wouldn’t attempt hitting but well . I chop jollof rice at their wedding so make I shut up.😂😂😂

  14. A Man of honour is never a Man who defends himself, but a Man who defends the ideologies and the institution he stands for; a Man whose values are beyond personalities or recognitions from Men.

    I watched a Television interview granted by Emeka Ike, I watched the interview granted by the Ex-Wife and the son; I also read the post-Emeka's brother made and the question that came to heart was very simple.

    If Emeka Ike was a Bad Man and a brutal husband and father as the Ex-wife and the son presented him to be…

    a. how come, Emeka Ike picked her and married her without educational qualifications of any kind?

    A Man who doesn't love you will never marry you if your standards of life and education are lower than his.

    b. how come, Emeka Ike sent her to the University when he only attended Yaba College of Technology?

    A Man that doesn't love you will never give you the right or permission to be greater than him.

    c. how come Emeka Ike established businesses and put her in charge of running those businesses?

    Only a Man who loves you and trusts you can entrust you with his source of income. Men usually don't allow their wives to be part of their business.

    D. How come Emeka Ike made her a signatory to his account?

    Men are usually in the habit of keeping their money away from their Wives. But he gave the Wife access to his money so that she could withdraw any amount of money she so wished.

    Now, before our Social Media sisters-in-law, judges and lawyers will begin to cast stones; ask yourself if your husband or husband-to-be can do this or is doing this. If he's not, then you should give credit to those that did.

    The Ex-Wife came on television to claim that Emeka Ike was in the habit of beating her. But she never told us that she was the one who first slapped him because the husband was trying to correct her for not taking proper care of their daughter.

    The light was shunned on this truth when Emeka Ike's former Personal Assistant came out to tell the whole world what led to that.

    I'm not in support of a Man beating his wife or the Wife beating the husband and I will never be part of that. But please, be honest, how many of you dare to sell your husband's businesses and run away because of his beating?

    I used to know a Deacon in RCCG who used to beat the Wife and leave her in her pool of blood. Twice this Man beat the Wife to the point of coma. It took me a whole year to pray her out of that marriage. Because of the money the husband was donating to the church, their Pastor kept telling her to endure, God hates divorce. She never for one day sold or took anything that belonged to her husband.

    She left the marriage with honour and integrity.

    Despite selling all the husband had then, Emeka Ike's Ex-Wife still cannot train or give quality education to the children.

    She took the son away from the school the father put him in Abuja to further his education and never put the boy in any school but was quick to get the boy a job in a restaurant. I'm so sorry to say, I do not consider such a person as a life-giver. She is a life killer. Destiny Destroyer Pro Max.

    If you think or believe that what Emeka Ike's Ex-Wife did to him was right, then I pray that the Lord God of heaven will give your son/sons such a Lady for a Wife so that you can see and feel how painful it is.

    Emeka Ike is a bad husband and yet you had two children for him before you asked him to pay your Bride Price which he did without hesitation and you still have another child for him after the Wedding and yet you claimed he is a bad person.

    If your claim is true, why did you ask him to pay for your Bride Price? Why did you have children for him? I'm sure no person in her right mind will get pregnant by a bad person unless the person herself is bad.

    In one of her statements, she said that she married Emeka Ike because she wanted to be a model and she thought Emeka could be of help to her to be a successful model. But unfortunately, she never shares her dream of becoming a model with him.

    This also means that she did not marry him because she loved him, but because she wanted to use him to build her career as a model and probably dump him once she became successful as a model.

    So many Ladies do this. They pretended to love a man because they needed a place to stay, someone to take care of them, someone to have a child or two with and ended the marriage. Before you comment on this, check your heart, do you marry the Man in your love because you love him or because you are using him to meet a need in your life?

    According to him, if his broke then, he probably has Fifteen Million Naira in his account. Do you know what that means? By now, he was supposed to be a billionaire but his Ex-wife destroyed all that because of her greed, lack of foresight and evil-mindedness.

    As far as I can tell, there is more to Emeka Ike's Ex-Wife's personality and criminal act. What she did is a criminal offence with serious consequences that is if Emeka Ike chose to seek justice.

    What exactly did she do with all the money she made from selling her husband's businesses and properties? She should be made to account for it.

    Friends, be careful when you are choosing a life partner. He or she will either make you or Mar you.

    Sam Adeoye

  15. Its so disappointing to see the true face if Emeka after he went on a media ranting spray to castigate and destroy his wife reputation, This woman has been silent for too long , It's good that she gave her own sife if the story


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