Embracing psychic power to pursue our worship of the VOID – RimWorld Death Cult EP11

╔ My Twitch channel: https://rhadamant.com/twitch/
╚ Website with my Schedule: https://rhadamant.com

» Death Cult is a RimWorld 1.5 Anomaly series where a group of upstart cultists explore the occult to gain power, regardless of the cost. We’ll be exploring some of the new less-than-ethical game mechanics that Anomaly has to offer as our cultists grow their sanctum and gain unholy power.

» Backstory, goals, mods, DLCs, storyteller and scenario can be found here: https://bit.ly/DeathCultDetails

» Do not spoil the content of Anomaly DLC in the comments, spoiler comments will be removed. Thank you.

» Characters are raffled off to live viewers and and live viewers can vote on priorities to guide the progression of the series.

» Version: RimWorld 1.5 and all DLCs enabled, no Mods.

» Viewer Driven Content
The priorities I work on are largely determined by live viewers, if you would like to influence the direction of this series I welcome you to join me on stream. This series is streamed live on https://twitch.tv/rhadamant5186

» Death Cult Playlist: https://bit.ly/RhadRimDeathCultPlaylist

If you would like to join my community please consider visiting my website or joining discord! If you’d like to support me as a content creator Patreon always helps as well.

Website (Schedule, Countdown Timer to streams, links, resources):

Discord (Gaming community):

Patreon (To support me directly):

#RimWorld #Anomaly #evilplaythrough #Rhadamant #LetsPlay #tutorials #nospoilers #twitch #losingisfun


12 thoughts on “Embracing psychic power to pursue our worship of the VOID – RimWorld Death Cult EP11”

  1. Well looky here that was a pretty good episode for me! I laughed when you tipped the poll's scales with, "If she's a vampire her bad back will be healed" 😂 I ain't complaining! I'll be a beast in combat now instead of hobbling around. And having a vamp in a death cult is very fitting.

  2. A vampire? Awesome addition to the colony! Probably a good idea to keep a janitor slave or hemo farm prisoner from now on.
    Normally when pawns are having "issues" with drugs I wall it up in a little box so they can't get to it, since zoning won't stop them in a mental state.


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