‘Embarrassing defence bungle’: Australia's submarine mismanagement revealed from 2009-2012

Sky News host James Macpherson discussed the “embarrassing defence bungle” over submarine mismanagement with The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan.

It’s been revealed that Australia had almost no submarines available to defend itself for at least four years, from 2009 to 2012, during the Rudd and Gillard governments.

However, when Australia did have subs in the water, there were hardly any personnel qualified to crew them.


32 thoughts on “‘Embarrassing defence bungle’: Australia's submarine mismanagement revealed from 2009-2012”

  1. The ADF have never had anyone with knowledge of fighting modern warfare. A mediocre "general" took his troops with borrowed food rations and flat jackets from the US Army to take over abandoned/undefended tiny island with a few native with bows and arrows and came back as "hero" and later got the GG job.
    While the rest of the other generals had no idea how to fight in a war and commissioned "moronic" equipment which could not be deployed OS so they had to send only SASs and Commandos using non-issued equipment because the brand-new equipment procured equipment are totally useless.

  2. YET All This on net
    Australia’s naval fleet is undergoing a significant reshaping, and one notable addition is the introduction of six large, “optionally crewed” naval vessels. These ships are heavily armed with missiles and form part of the country’s surface fleet. Here are the key details:

    Enhanced Lethality Surface Combatant Fleet:

    Labor has unveiled this new fleet, which includes six Hunter-class frigates (reduced from an original plan of nine) and upgraded versions of existing Hobart-class destroyers fitted with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

    The overall combat-ready warship count will rise from 11 to 26, consisting of nine “Tier 1” frigates and destroyers and 11 smaller general-purpose frigates. Additionally, there will be six optionally crewed vessels forming a “Tier 2” force1.

    These optionally crewed vessels have the capacity to operate without a crew but are intended to be crewed by Australia1.

    HMAS Anzac Retirement and Frigate Replacement:

    Australia’s oldest currently serving warship, HMAS Anzac, will be immediately retired.

    The aging Anzac-class fleet will be gradually replaced with new frigates, which will first be built in either Germany, Korea, Japan, or Spain1.

    Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs):

    The planned number of Offshore Patrol Vessels being built in Western Australia will be halved to six.

    These OPVs will eventually form part of a planned fleet of 25 minor war vessels, primarily consisting of Evolved Cape Class patrol boats1.

    Future Destroyer Replacement:

    The government will consider the eventual replacement for the Hobart-class destroyers “in the context of the 2026 National Defence Strategy” to align with a continuous naval shipbuilding strategy at Adelaide’s Osborne Naval shipyard1.

    In summary, Australia’s naval fleet is expanding, incorporating both crewed and optionally crewed vessels to enhance its capabilities and adapt to future environments2. The new ships will play a crucial role in maintaining security and defense in the region.

    !HMAS Perth HMAS Perth (formerly HMS Amphion) in 19393.

  3. Charlie: We encountered an angry Australian marine!
    Operations: Well, what did you do?
    Charlie: We blew his balls off!
    Operations: What happened next?
    Charlie: Nothing, she seemed happy about it.

  4. It started with the war on the White Working class back the 1960's…. when Bogans could just fall over a crack in the pavement and land in a job, family, marriage and a house…. but as the decades grew and the anit-white agenda grew…. as the cold war raged on…. The anti-white west began sending all the manufacturing capability to China in order to defeat communism (by ensuring Russia would not unite with China)…. But, the Cold was was not won on the basis "capitalism vs socialism" (as we are all now finding out, because China does not want to Liberalise)….. but because the Cold war was won via the rise of Catholic power and Nationalism in the east of Europe…. so now that the cold war is over (like Hello! its 2024 already)…. Manufacturing capability should have been spread out among different nations so that each nation can have sovereignty and trading capability…. (instead of filling China with Factories)

  5. I’m sorry anyone that tells you the Colin class submarines were good isn’t someone worth listening to. A noisy submarine is target practice, if your going to have a submarine fleet they need to be nuclear or there is no point

  6. So what’s the point of having them? But the billion project program to bed and use conventionally and use half for another department that needs it. U.K doesn’t need the two nuclear aircraft it has, they don’t work and we don’t have a/c capable aircaft. Duh’merika is pushing all countries to increase military spending by 2.6 % of GDP. Yanks intimidating China with 23 army bases around her border and armed military aircaft groups ploughing around her. China has 2 aircraft carriers China has 2 – who is the aggressor!!! Yanks can’t pay back interest on loans so war cancels them. The American Defence sector makes a fortune blowing up China then a fortune naming American Corporations to rebuild making a fortune – sound familiar?
    America baking Zionist Israel and proxy war in Ukraine make them No 1 terrorist country in world.

  7. Its both, Labor & Liberal that have done this to us not the ADF

    The government broke a deal with the French over subs

    Australians paid dearly because the government got sued.
    Our government & indecision
    Costs Australians dearly including bad decisions that are very costly.
    There's no accountability in governance & no punishment.
    In the private sector these people would be sacked.

  8. Im going to assume that the American Navy has submarines doing " exercises " in our area.The whole point of submarines is that they be deployed to areas without detection.

  9. The problem is that each government blames the previous government for the short fall in submarines and governments don't want to spend billions on Submarines because of the voter back lash due to budget cuts that would have to be made ( Compared to other countries Australia has a very limited budget to work with and that means the defence budget is very small + you have to find people who want to be submariners) So governments are just like " We will blame the previous governments and then let the problem be the future governments problem " and the cycle continues until a government does spend billions and then everyone complains that they wasted billions on submarines……

  10. Our government is embarrassing.
    They clearly haven't planned for the future.
    Do they expect American to save us?
    Do they not realise how long it takes to manufacture defence vehicles?

    Government, take your focus off controlling the people who live here.
    There will be no Australia if war breaks out.

    The fact our submarines were badly maintained, which we know about.

    The the rat f*ck media goons at Sky took over 10 years to figure out that it needed to do a story about it.


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