ELT Time Capsule Ceremony

Go behind the scenes at the ceremony of burying a time capsule in the wall of the ESO’s ELT dome. The event was led by ESO Council President Linda Tacconi (Germany) and Vice-President Mirjam Lieshout-Vijverberg (The Netherlands).

Speaker: Linda Tacconi
Directed by: Angelos Tsaousis.
Editing: Angelos Tsaousis.
Web and technical support: Gurvan Bazin and Raquel Yumi Shida.
Music: Jennifer Athena Galatis – ELT & Star Fleet Bridge
Footage and photos: ESO, Luis Calçada, Jose Porte, Max Nadjar, Gerhard Hüdepohl (atacamaphoto.com), Simon Lowery, SCHOTT AG
Consultants: Roberto Tamai, Michele Cirasuolo
Acknowledgments: CIMOLAI

More information and download options: https://www.eso.org/public/videos/TacconiELT/


7 thoughts on “ELT Time Capsule Ceremony”

  1. Linda Tacconi, americana, é a astrônoma e atual presidente do Conselho do ESO

    Embora os telescópios estejam na América do Sul, sejam construídos por mãos latinas inclusive, quem dá as ordens não fala a nossa língua! Quem decide o que vai ser observado e estudado não fala a nossa a língua e nem mora aqui…


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