Elon Musk Sent Panicking For Attention By AOC

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks out in admiration for the Twitter employees after Elon Musk’s extreme ultimatum, which Musk feels the need to respond to. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

AOC pays tribute to Twitter staff amid reports that Elon Musk locked offices after ‘hardcore’ deadline passed – https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/aoc-elon-musk-twitter-staff-b2227723.html

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has paid tribute to Twitter’s employees amid reports that Elon Musk has locked down all the company’s offices after his “hardcore” deadline passed.

“Shout out to all the workers at Twitter. You all built a vital place for connection and deserved so much better. Millions of people appreciate the space you built and the hard work that went into it. Thank you,” tweeted the congresswoman from New York.

Following the 5pm ET deadline, hundreds of Twitter employees reportedly signalled on the company’s Slack system that they were leaving, and Mr Musk’s response was reportedly to close offices until 21 November.”


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20 thoughts on “Elon Musk Sent Panicking For Attention By AOC”

  1. Lol oh goodness shake the fog, it's a way for bankrupt and it's a good thing that he's the one crumbling it, it was losing before he took over but for him to be the one that finishes it off running in the ground, is priceless

  2. "The best people are staying"
    I know what people mean with best people. Best people are super genious, that work very long hours … with cero communication skills and cero team work capability.
    I have one of this "best people" in my company and it is nothing but trouble. The CEO would like to get rid of him, but (unlike Musk) the CEO is also loyal to the workers, and this "best guy" did a lot of good stuff for the company long ago. So there he stays.

  3. Hold on like the show but how did Elon con? He used his money to buy and perhaps kill something but that is capitalism. FTX investigation makes sense and so is twitter as how the workers where treated and what employment laws are affected. Be the new not entertainment

  4. The delusion being expressed by these two commentators and the unintelligible word salad of this comment section is representative of the spoiled brat mentality of the left.
    I am now dumber for having watched this propaganda.
    The salt must flow. CLANK!

  5. 2 jerks talking shit about other people to make a living … yeah guys you are the smart ones.. 😀 hope he buys yt one day as well so toxic clickbaiting attention seeking scums like you get banned

  6. Prove what you say!!! What you have said here is all speculative – with NO FACTS. And what exactly has you so upset about him – UNLESS YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT HE IS WAY MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU EVER WILL BE!!! OHHH, WHAT A CRY BABY! THAT IS ALL YOU AND YOUR 'GUESTS' DO.


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