Elon Musk on Nuking Mars


31 thoughts on “Elon Musk on Nuking Mars”

  1. This is false. Mars has an almost nonexistent magnetic field because it's core has cooled and solidified. Even if we made an atmosphere on mars in a day, it would eventually diffuse off into space and nothing would be left. Elon Musk is an idiot.

  2. Elon musk your plans for nuking Mars would not work it would just send the planet into a nuclear winter even then it would be decades before the planet would heat up that kind of defeats the purpose of terraforming right idea to release CO2 gases wrong execution

  3. In which of the two following locations are living conditions worse:
    A) Russian penal colony in current times
    B) First human colony on Mars (whenever Elon Musk finds a way)


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