Elon Musk Just Revealed NASA's TERRIFYING Discovery On Mars

Elon Musk Just Revealed NASA’s TERRIFYING Discovery On Mars
Musk’s timeline sounds ambitious, and that is something he readily acknowledges. Because he made it sound as if it was sort of a not-too-challenging project. However, according to BOBBY BRAUN, NASA’S former chief technologist who is now at Georgia Tech University, they believed it could take a hundred years to achieve this.

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18 thoughts on “Elon Musk Just Revealed NASA's TERRIFYING Discovery On Mars”

  1. The first and maybe second generation of people who go to Mars will suffer and probably get cancer from the Radiation but they will build the Habitats to shield the next generation from Radiation.

  2. Where the hell is our spirit of adventure, exploration, and pioneering? Yes, going to Mars and settling there will be dangerous — but not everyone who is or can be trained for such a mission is a coward, dammit. Don't make decisions about people before they have a chance to weigh in on whether they would go to Mars if given the chance! We have a "Nanny knows best" culture, and that's sick — and potentially deadly for human survival and survival of life on Earth in general.

  3. It's not hard to understand the pyramids !!  By vibrating within  the earth's "B" field they could  communicate as well as travel intergalactically.  My goal is to educate others. Just for clarification.      The center of a magnet is by far the most powerful.   AC current Radio frequency signals could not travel without the "B" field.   The oscilloscope never shows the "B" field but it is there. otherwise  it would show a short circuit as the two polarities collide.  The "B" field pushes everything forward.   Things you can do to see the "B" field:1>  vibrate the "B" field of a magnet near a trickle of water and watch the water repel the same.2>  Vibrate the "B" field on plastic or glass and watch the item lose weight!!  You must understand, don't try this on iron or metal; it will distort the magnetic field . 3>  Vibrate on Granite rock and it will become weak. and You can cut and shape ONLY with copper tools.  AGAIN pay attention to the magnetic field you can't use iron tools for this action. . 4> I have not proven this part yet, but you should be able at the correct Two  frequencies to levitate non metallic objects.   FYI  I think that's why most UFO's don't show on radar they are not metallic.
    I have come to believe we are all operating on the magnetic "B" field.  The entire universe is 100% magnetic, we are an algorithm of the same.
    Think about this :  The pyramids were communication and transportation device's  of yesteryear:  When you install such a huge mass within the "B" field of earth they intercommunicate via the "B" field.  FYI I have teaching credentials and much much more.    Want some Proof,  Check out Coral Castle in Florida on YOUTUBE,  all his generators were set up in the repel mode to maximize  the "B" field into the earth  FACT!!  The stones at Stonehenge and KT were  part of the "B" field system,  The stones would vibrate at frequencies that would stimulate the crops and many other things.  Those were the true power plants of yesteryear.   WB6HUN/1958


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