Elon Musk Is a SAVAGE @DDayCobra & @DanVasc | Side Scrollers | April 12th, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Elon Musk Is a SAVAGE @DDayCobra & @DanVasc | Side Scrollers | April 12th, 2023”

  1. I’m almost impressed how Musk managed to turn Twitter into a bigger cesspit than it was before.

    It’s a fact that hate speech & antisemitism have gone up immensely since he took over. But he just views it all as “free speech”

  2. I really appreciate you guys speaking outs against the biased in media. Everywhere online seems to be a weird echo chamber that if you speak against public opinion you're instantly attacked

  3. @51:47 On what Dan was speaking about

    Everything has been politicized for one side (Democrats) in almost every industry, I myself am tired of it and can understand what that one guy was talking about however Newton's law for every action is equal and opposite reaction so until that happens buckle up. 😂😂😂

    Btw edited* to condense it

  4. The people that do not understand the topic of elon vs bbc trying to avoid the conversation because is "political".
    they are not aware or are just willfully ignoring the fact that these "journalism" has ruined gaming spaces for a thing that they put pressure to be taken down.
    People are kicked out of gaming lobbies (Blizard and Lol are examples with china topics), streaming platforms (Twitch and dlive with outspoken right wing or outspoken christians), censored games with certain themes (an fresh example is the wizard game)

  5. Musk is a evil businessman who is friendly with and supportive towards Russia while it's waging a genocidal war.
    Nobody should be praising him just because he is calling out other groups doing bad things in the world. It doesn't excuse his own horrible behavior and beliefs

  6. "Those people he fired on Twitter, they were shit at their jobs"

    Ironically, they were still more capable than you.
    As an engineer, it is beyond frustrating to have someone in a position higher than yours badmouth you through their own ignorance. Point being – Musk has, on Twitter many times, given his uninformed and blatantly stupid opinion about how basic software works. When he's corrected, he has flown off the handle at people. When confronted by employees to show his own understand of the "stack", and even give a simple explanation of what a tech stack is, he just up and leaves.

    This is the caliber of person we're talking about here – Someone who has the DSP attitude and believes he's above reproach. I'd bring up his prior shortcomings, scams, and lies but I suppose we'll just let the courts decide that (again). The most hilarious part about the people who jerk off this guy is that they never seem to know how much of a scam artist he is. All they see is YAS DADDY ELON SLAY THOSE TROOLS ON TWITTER LOLxD and never look beyond that.

    Lastly, just gonna point out the mind bending stupidity here – Someone with no job calling other people shit at their job. Congrats, Adam, you've displayed the same level of self awareness as DSP.


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