Elon Musk Has Contributed Positively to Humanity

Elon Musk has made significant positive contributions to humanity through his ambitious projects aimed at revolutionizing transportation, energy, space exploration, and artificial intelligence, all with the goal of improving the human condition and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.



35 thoughts on “Elon Musk Has Contributed Positively to Humanity”

  1. They need to stand up for the country that has afforded them the best life!
    I think PBD's idea of a Live Aid or Hands Across America is needed on X! Let's do it!

  2. Interesting analysis of US Billionaires- cowards. Afraid to fight for moral ethics! Afraid to help lower taxes on the poor, sick and disabled. Afraid theyโ€™ll ode all their money and wealth.
    America should have a whole lot of Robin Hoods.
    Billionaires could have a righteous effect on our US Governmentโ€”the people

  3. She's a billionaire but didn't have to do anything, work hard at anything, or create anything… besides be a trophy wife to a billionaire. Over 80% of female millionaires or billionaires… Either inherited it from their parents, through divorce, or being a widow to a wealthy man. It's crazy how easy women have it these days. Smh…lol

  4. Thatโ€™s how it goes the toll poppy syndrome always. These people have nothing to do with there time while doing nothing and talking to there useless friends they come up with ways to disadvantage someone. These people are non achievers and Janice they get a job in government and hang in there until retirement. See them time and time again.
    Elon is smart he knows they are looking for a fight so take that energy away by not fighting they Fizzle to nothing. Trust me thatโ€™s the only way they are loooing for trophies donโ€™t give them that pleasure. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Unless youโ€™re currently a Tesla shareholder, a Tesla employee who got laid off while Elon wants 56 billion, a person who put down a deposit on a Roadster, a person who bought a solar roof thinking it would be anything like the demonstration, or a person who thought they would have a โ€œfull self drivingโ€ Tesla at any point in the last decade.

  6. Something online my flatemate was watching, gaslit him in to angrily blaming Elon M for death in Ukraine.

    Imagine the stupidity it would take to blame a single citizen concerning Military Peace.

  7. Playing racket ball tired Elvis but later you
    Get "a runners high". I had to stop jogging in the evening because l
    Would get tired then the runners high would
    Kick in and couldn't go to sleep til late. Probably why Elvis couldn't go to sleep playing racket ball late.


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