Elon Musk Going To Mars | Garrett Reisman


37 thoughts on “Elon Musk Going To Mars | Garrett Reisman”

  1. Elon just wasting all are resources just for his selfish goals. He only wanted electric cars cuz you can't use gas in space. Now we destroy the earth more for slightly cleaner air. While the rest of world dumbs trash in the ocean

  2. Anyone thinking Elon will travel on Starship is dreaming. He has consistently advertised that shithole of a planet Mars as some "fixer upper" so fools volunteer to be the alpha and beta testers with their lives. In software development there is an unwritten rule: never v1.0. Besides he is a pussy…a nerd with a lot of Billions all the same.

  3. We can't live in a inclosed ecosystem on earth without outside help. Never mind on mars. Elon will be dead and gone before we colonies mars. That's even if humans last that long.

  4. More likely, he will die on the journey before arriving on mars. Crew chosen for a mars expedition can expect only a 50/50 chance of arriving safely.
    Let alone starting a successful colony
    Exploration of mars will be a one way trip for any who try.

  5. A Martian colony is the dumbest idea ever. Why so we can sit here and ship resources from here to there. Don't go live where there isn't anything, You'll become a charity case. Even though you're rich, you're the charity case of constant need of resources. How long do you think people will see this as a good thing or even an okay thing that you're doing, taking resources from this planet? There's still so much to do here before we even think of colonizing another planet, especially one with nothing on it. At no point will Elon musk get Mars to a self-sustaining society to go die in.

  6. Really ? They never knew Elon is Immortal? And an Alien?…That man is not human .. He day dreams then goes off and builds it.. He was Nicholas Tesla's best Mate .. The US have NOT locked him away and the deal is build us reusable rockets and all kinds of other shi# and don't tell the people about the truth regarding free energy and Nicholas Tesla

  7. Never is the correct answer. The first humans will maybe get to Mars in the next 20 years or so, but any kind of sustainable habitat won't be built for at least another 50 years, and Musk will either be 100 by then, or dead.


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